Wednesday, September 02, 2015

The Dean

Hey pallies, likes seein' how yesterday was the 66th anniversary of our most beloved Dino's marriage to Miss Jeanne Biegger, on a lark, we thought it woulda be kinda cool to use google image search to seee what sorta poses of our Dino and Jeanne might turn up.  We were delighted to find a number of images of our main man and his main woman includin' the  image below that we found on the web presence of none other then the Chicago Tribune.

Likes we totally totally grooves on the tag of the candid that the Tribune gives to this powerful pose that we ain' remembered seein' before, "The Dean...and we truly truly loves that Dino-buddha-grin on our King of Cool's face...likes indeed the pair seem to be havin' a great night on the town.  The description added to the image states "Singer Dean Martin and his wife, former model Jeanne Biegger, in 1957."

We thanks the Chicago Tribune for honorin' our Dino in this way and to view this in it's original source, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report.  Dino-crazed, DMP

The Dean

The Dean


  1. The couple really look so happy here and Dean has such a killer smile. It looks to be a very happy time in his life. It is so hard to believe how long ago this was. I can't get over how fast time seems to move forward. Thank you for bringing this happy Dino moment to us.


  2. Hey pallie, likes all the thanks goes to you Scotty for droppin' by and faithfully sharin' patter on our Dino-grams...indeed this seems likes the happiest of times for our Dino and his Jeanne. Keeps lovin', keeps sharin' our most beloved Dino!
