Tuesday, September 15, 2015

The Chutzpah Award is posthumously awarded to Dean Martin.

Hey pallies, likes are we pump or are we pumped?!?!?!   Indeed likes dudes we are likes primo pumped to be sure this very Dino-day, 'cause likes when we opened our email we founds ourselves a comment addressed to ilovedinomartin from none other then Mr.  Brad Berkwitt of "RINGSIDE REPORT" fame.  Faithful readers of this here little Dino-blog will probably remember our first report from Berkwitt that graced our pages a few week 'go on August 24.

That Dino-devotion you will find  HERE.  It's 'bout Brad's boxin' pallie Mr. Packy “Boom Boom” Goldstein, who was best of pallies with Berkwitt's daddy-o.  In that first post that we described as
"punchy published prose (every pun intended dudes!)" Packy spoke of his deepest of deep devotion to our Dino sayin' "Dean Martin…. Jerry Lewis was nothing without Dean. Sure, he could be funny, but Dean was that act and so underrated as the greatest straight man in the history of the business."

Well, we are pleased as punch that Mr. Berkwitt with the utmost of kindness sent us patter and a link 'bout Packy's latest Dino-trib at Brad's pad.  Brad scribed us..."Dean was awarded the coveted Chutzpah Award by Packy "Boom Boom"  Goldstein .."  So, likes below pallies we get's to enjoys more Dino-adulation from Mr. Goldstein.    Coolest of cool thin' dudes is that Packy and Mr. Berkwitt's father Al " hung with (Dino) many times when Frank (Sinatra)  played the Fountainbleu Hotel in the late 50’s and 60’s."

We thanks Mr. Brad Berkwitt for updatin' us on Packy's Dino-devotion, and, likes of course, we shouts out our deepest of deep Dino-appreciato to Mr. Packy Goldstein for hugin' homagin' our most beloved Dino in this way, and likes of course, once 'gain proclaimin' the deepest of deep Dino-truth!
To checks this out in it's original format at "RINGSIDE REPORT," simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-message.  Deeply deeply Dino-delighted, DMP

Packy’s World: Andre Berto has Become the RODNEY DANGERFIELD of Boxing, Jack Dempsey, My Pal Al & Dean Martin Posthumously Awarded The Chutzpah Award

 September 7th, 2015  Bad Brad


By Packy “Boom Boom” Goldstein

dean Martin

The Chutzpah Award… The Chutzpah Award is posthumously awarded to Dean Martin. Here was a man with no ego, took no shit and was a guy who men wanted to be and women wanted to be with. Al and I hung with him many times when Frank played the Fountainbleu Hotel in the late 50’s and 60’s. Frank adored him and so did Al and I. We will never see the likes of Martin or Sinatra again, I can tell you that.

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