Saturday, September 26, 2015

Portrait Of A Swinger: The '74 Dino

Hey pallies, likes sometimes dudes our searchin' for particular Dino-treasure has a domino Dino-delight leads to 'nother and 'nother.  Likes this past Thursday for example. On that Dino-date, September 24 to be exact, we remembered that day in 1974 when the Dean Martin Comedy Hour took the place of the Dean Martin Variety Show.

Well, as we shared yesterday, we tooks ourselves to google images to see if we coulda find a Dino-pose from the comedy hour that we coulda share. Well that search located a image from the vid clip of the opennin' moments of our most beloved Dino's newest comedic venture.  We shared that image and that coolest of cool vid clip yesterday.

So, likes yesterday, we thought we woulda likes to see if we coulda find an image of our Dino circa 1974.  We puts into the google image search Dean Martin 1974 and below is the incredibly irresistible image that came up.  The image sent us to photographer Mr.Ulvis Albert's self-tagged  home pad "Ulvis Alberts'com."  It was there that we located Mr. Albert's swankest of swank shot of our most beloved Dino that is included his his published book of photos tagged "Camera as Passport," which is available from his site, which you can reach by clickin' on the tag of this here Dino-gram.

Likes, this is primo pose of our one and only Dino, dressed to the nines  in his elegant  tux, with his ever present Kent cigarette in hand, shows him in all his glory.....the swingin' seventies Dino...longish hair and those mod mod sideburns...showin' that Dino is always always where it is at!  It's an extremely evocative and coolest of cool candid of our King of Cool.  Were are so deeply deeply delighted to share this powerfully potent pose of Dino with Dino-holics everywhere.  Likes it supremely spurs us on to searchin' for more and more yet to be uncovered Dino-treasure.  Dino-always, only, and ever, DMP


  1. VERY cool pic, pal! Digs it fully!

  2. A wonderful looking find and photograph. Dino really seems to look relaxed and wonderful in this shot!

    Have a great week.


  3. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o...such truth you speaketh dude....our Dino simply drips cool in this candid catch! Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!

  4. Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW, indeed ma'am likes dem are de correct words 'bout our most most beloved Dino....swinger extraordinare! Keeps lovin' our main man!

  5. Hey pallie, likes Scotty-o, likes thanks for chimin' in with your ever remarkable reflections of Dino-devotion! Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino...and likes sharin' him too!
