Monday, September 21, 2015

Packy “Boom Boom” Goldstein & his Column “Packy’s World” Gets Some Big Kudos from ILOVEDINOMARTIN Blog

Hey pallies, likes on occasion we puts the tag of ilovedinomartin into the ol' google search engine just to see if anyone has anythin' to say 'bout our humble little Dino-pad.  We 'fess up that most of the time we don't find anythin' of significance to share with all youse Dino-holics.  But, near the end of last week when we typed our beau-ti-ful blog tag into the drive we came 'cross 2---count 'em---2 remarkable references to our work at ilovedinomartin.

Both refs comes from one of our newest pallies Mr. Brad Berkwitt over at the fantastic fightin' blog, "RINGSIDE REPORT."  Regular readers of ilovedinomartin will recognize that it is at Berkwitt's blog that we got to know 'bout Mr. Packy "Boom Boom" Goldstein" and his deepest of deep devotion to our most beloved Dino.  Goldstein was the bestest of best pallies of Brad's father Al.

Today and tomorrow we will run  "RINGSIDE REPORT" press releases scribed by Mr. Berkwitt sharin' ilovedinomartin's praise of Packy's prose homagin' our one and only Dino.  Below is the first press release issued by Brad after he noted our praise of Packy in our blog post of August 24 that youse can read  HERE.

We are hugely humbled to have Mr. Berkwitt say such thoughtful thin's 'bout our Dino-blog...Brad scribed it  as "a great Dean Martin Fan Blog Website."   We are even more tremendously thrilled to note Mr. Goldstein's touchin' thoughts of deep, pure, and true Dino-adulation.  Packy shared, “Dean Martin was the epitome of cool. To have had the honor to have known him through Al Berkwitt (“Bad’ Brad’s Father) is one of the highlights of my life."

We sez our awesome appreciato for the shout out from Mr. Brad Berkwitt and Mr. Packy Goldstein lettin' more pallies know 'bout our little Dino-conclave and our efforts in the cause of our King of Cool.  To checks this out in it's original format at "RINGSIDE REPORT" simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram.  Tomorrow we'll share more Dino-appreciato from Brad and Packy.  Dino-honored, DMP


Packy “Boom Boom” Goldstein & his Column “Packy’s World” Gets Some Big Kudos from ILOVEDINOMARTIN Blog

PACKYS-WORLD-500x300RSR Press Release
Award winning columnist and beloved around the world, RSR’s very own Packy “Boom Boom” Goldstein has received major kudos from a great Dean Martin Fan Blog Website.  Packy had the following to say, “Dean Martin was the epitome of cool. To have had the honor to have known him through Al Berkwitt (“Bad’ Brad’s Father) is one of the highlights of my life.  Thanks to “Ilovedinomartin blog” for the kind words about my column “Packy’s World”.

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