Monday, September 28, 2015

Dean Martin at swinger summit

Hey pallies, likes the Dino-domino effect keeps goin' dudes.  Likes, likes we felt so so led to tag this past Saturday's Dino-devotion "Portrait Of A Swinger:  The '74 Dino" and likes just as we clicked the publish button, likes the thought came to us....musta be totally totally Dino-inspired.... to likes try puttin' the tags Dean Martin and Swinger into the ol' google blog Dino-search, and likes, of course, pallies we hit Dino-pay-dirt.

Below is the first Dino-treasure mined from our recent search.   It's a rad review of the 1960 sex farce. "Who Was That Lady" scribed by Mr. John McElwee at his self-tagged blog "John McElwee's GREENBRIAR Picture Shows."  Mr. McElwee is not totally new to this Dean scene as back on July 31, 2013, we shared his swingin' scribin' of  the Dino-western "Rough Night In Jericho."  Click   HERE to read John's tremendous thoughts tagged "Bad Man Dean Playing It Straight."

This time 'round McElwee has assembled some great Dino-images includin' a copy of an original print ad that has our most beloved Dino front and center givin' that irrestible glance that our Dino is famous for....even in the print ad it looks likes our Dino is lookin' straight at us.  John's patter is completely complimentary of our our main man, if not of the picture in total.

We deeply digs it when McElwee scribes, "We could wish better things for Dean Martin at swinger summit."  We so so much are in Dino-agreement with John when he speaks such truth that our Dino is  "being pretty much the character here that Billy Wilder would carry to extreme with Kiss Me, Stupid a few years later."

We also deeply deeply  digs John's closin' comments...."Dean Martin with inborn wit, but his co-stars apply frivolity with heavy hands, particularly Leigh, who wasn't gifted along such lines. Still, there is interest, for night clubs, street exteriors, and 60's lifestyle, if not gaiety in proceedings, this a case for most comedy from that period, especially ones that dealt in Light-Hearted Leers at Love."  Truly truly Mr. John McElvee "gets Martin" and likes how cool is that dudes?!?!?!?!?!

And, pallies, likes this isn't gonna be the only ol' Dino-treasure mined from McElvee as we got the Dino-inspiration to put the name of our most beloved Dino into the "John McElwee's GREENBRIAR Picture Shows" search engine and Dino-low and Dino-behold John has quite a bit more Dino-devotion that indeed will be bein' shared here at our humble little Dino-pad.

So, likes to Mr. John McElwee we gives our heartfelt Dino-thanks for accentin' our main man in "Who Was That Lady" and more Dino-adulation to follow!  To checks this out in it's original source, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report.  Dino-swingin', DMP

MONDAY, JULY 27, 2015

Laughs Are Light From This Ring-A-Ding Trio

Who Was That Lady? (1960) Is Sure Enough An Old Joke

I kept thinking of Psychowhile watching this, same year after all, with three overlapping cast members (Janet Leigh, John McIntire, Simon Oakland), Lady hewing to formula as Psychoupset all of a public's expectation. We could wish better things for Dean Martin at swinger summit, he being pretty much the character here that Billy Wilder would carry to extreme withKiss Me, Stupid a few years later. That's what great directors did: take clay tepidly molded by others and ease pedals to the floor; Hitchcock would manipulate Anthony Perkins' persona for Psycho and crack mold so an establishmentHollywood could never use it again. A Light-Hearted Leer At Love Among The Adults was how Lady was sold. There'd been popularity as a Broadway play. Today it yields more curiosity than laughs, 115 minutes an excruciating haul. Naughty humor was in vogue around '60, Pillow Talk and Operation Petticoat having paved way for suggestive dialogue and situations.

Whenever there was call for goodtime girls back then, you got either Joi Lansing or Barbara Nichols. Who Was That Lady? tenders both. The picture could as easily be another Martin and Lewis comedy, Jerry doing the Tony Curtis part with sex toned down (Lady, in fact, anticipates Boeing, Boeing). Aggrieved onscreen wife is Janet Leigh, similarly so in private life with more-less estranged Curtis. Lady is one of those projects where you read about water gun fights among the cast between scenes and, according to Leigh, spontaneous and "inventive" humor they'd ad-lib before cameras. All well and good if you're Dean Martin with inborn wit, but his co-stars apply frivolity with heavy hands, particularly Leigh, who wasn't gifted along such lines. Still, there is interest, for night clubs, street exteriors, and 60's lifestyle, if not gaiety in proceedings, this a case for most comedy from that period, especially ones that dealt in Light-Hearted Leers at Love.


  1. Very pleased to be mentioned at your wonderful Dino pad, and flattered to know you like Greenbriar's take on our "Main Man." Dean Martin forever!

    John McElwee.

  2. Hey pallie, likes Mr. McElwee, we are much pleased that you are pleased, and we are much touched for your appreciation of our humble little Dino-blog. Know that this is more then less gonna be John McElwee week at ilovedinomartin as we share many of your Dino-honorin' efforts. Keeps lovin', keeps sharin' our most beloved Dino!

  3. Great review of a GREAT Dino-flick! Actually gonna watch it tonight. Seen it several times & STILL am diggin' on it! The restaurant scene with Dean convincin' the ladies they need to keep the drinks flowin' in SO SO funny! A "must see"!

  4. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o...'though it is a lesser known Dino-flick, our Dino is just so so cool in this remarkable romp...keeps diggin' our most beloved Dino and keeps sharin' Dino whenever and wherever you can...let's keep that Dino-light glowin' ever Dino-bright!
