Thursday, September 10, 2015

And it's all thanks to Dean Martin.

Hey pallies, likes one of our most fav of fav thin's to share with our Dino-readership is how our most beloved Dino keeps intensely influencin' more and more of today's nouveau hipster musical artistes.
Case in point most recently is today's  Dino-devotion, 'gain courtesy of google Dino-'lerts, 'bout with-it rapper Mr. Kyle Hubbard from powerful  patter scribed by Mr. Joey Guerra, "music critic and pop-culture writer for the Houston Chronicle."

In this prose tagged  "Rapper Kyle Hubbard inspired by going back to Houston, Houston, Houston," Guerra beau-ti-ful-ly and boldly boasts how it was our one and only Dino who totally totally inspired rapper Hubbard to  a "new EP and a new attitude" after Kyle had "stepped away" in 2013 'cause "he was overwhelmed, disillusioned and creatively stunted."

As all youse Dino-philes will read below, it took Mr. Hubbard hearin' our Dino croonin' his classic croon "Houston" on the radio which brought him outta his funk."  Likes yet 'nother extraordinary example of the transformin' power of our Dino!

We shares with you the Dino-focused portion of Mr. Guerra's scribin's and to read the whole of the prose, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram.  We shouts out our greatest of great Dino-appreciato to Mr. Guerra and all the pallies at the Houston Chronicle for sharin' with the world Mr. Kyle Hubbard's delightful Dino-testimony.  And to Mr. Hubbard himself, we shares our deepest of deep thanks for lettin' the world wide world know of the continual influence of our King of Cool on the coolest of cool musical artists of today!  Dino-inspired, DMP

Rapper Kyle Hubbard inspired by going back to Houston, Houston, Houston

By Joey Guerra     September 9, 2015

Houston rapper Kyle Hubbard sampled the Dean Martin song "Houston" for his "Majestic Hotel" EP. Photo: Paul Davis

 Houston rapper Kyle Hubbard sampled the Dean Martin song "Houston" for his "Majestic Hotel"

Kyle Hubbard revs back into Houston's hip-hop scene this month with a new EP and a new attitude. And it's all thanks to Dean Martin.

The rapper stepped away from the local spotlight in 2013 after releasing critically acclaimed album "You're Not That Special." He was overwhelmed, disillusioned and creatively stunted.

"I got to a point where every song I wrote was just a lesser version of something on 'You're Not That Special,' " Hubbard says.

"I felt like I was writing and performing out of a place of obligation. The fear of putting out new music that didn't live up to my old music became way too powerful for me to handle."

He moved to Arkansas and swore off music. During that time, Hubbard heard "Houston," a 1965 tune from Martin, on the radio.

"I was floored by the fact that I couldn't recall any song in Houston's hip-hop history that sampled it," Hubbard says.

It sparked something, and he reached out to longtime producer Djay Cas, who created a beat around the Martin sample. That collaboration led to "Majestic Hotel," a seven-song EP Hubbard describes as "deep-fried, Southern soul."


  1. THE POWERS OF DINO ARE ENDLESS!!! Hahaha!!! It's true though, pallies!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, likes we knew you couldn't pass up patterin' on this post accentin' just how transformin' our Dino's power is to dudes of every age and stage...and musical preference! Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
