Wednesday, August 12, 2015

The King Of Cool: Always In Fashion

Hey pallies, followin' up on yesterday's extraordinary vid tribute to our most beloved Dino, we are perfectly pleased to share 'nother visual essay on our King of Cool.  It's tagged "The King Of Cool: Always In Fashion" and was coolly created as one of the beau-ti-ful bonus featurettes  to the TimeLife/ StarVista complete DVD set of the Dean Martin Roasts.  We would goes so far to say that the "bonuses" offered in this superb set of discs are well worth the price of admission for the set...and, to our way of Dino-thinkin' this particular featurettes is our fav of favs.

Hosted by Miss Merle Ginsberg, the Senior Style Writer for The Hollywood Reporter, this almost 13 minutes of Dino-glory includes fab Dino-pixs, clips from select moments of The Dean Martin Roasts, clips from amazin' moments of the Dino-show, and  the coolest of cool commentary by actors and actresses who worked 'long side of our Dino.  To us, some of the most powerful prose is spoken by Mr. Roger Warnix who first worked as our Dino's wardrobe manager and later as a production manager.  Just listenin' to Warnix waw elequent 'bout our Dino and his fashions brings us just a bit closer to him.

Miss Ginsberg notes early in this touchin' tribute, that  "Dean Martin knew iconization" and this extraordinary visual Dino-feast  shows the touchin' truth that our King of Cool was icon extraordinare!  We can't tells youse how many times we have watched this powerful production and each time we simply come away diggin' our Dino even more then we hopes all youse Dino-philes will sit back and drink deeply of our main man....the coolest, the hippest, the randiest man to ever walk the planet.  Always in Fashion....that's our King of Cool!

The King of Cool:  Always in Fashion

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