Tuesday, August 25, 2015

“That’s Amore,” Dean Martin’s 1952 classic, cradles the stadium rather than rocks it.

Hey pallies, likes takes us out to the ol' ballgame pallies, so likes we can hears our Dino croonin' a tune!  Likes from the blog pad of Pittsburgh Post-Gazette comes prose from columnist Miss  Elizabeth Bloom, "Pirates' walk-up music: the classical version"..... 'bout how she envisions Pittsburgh Pirates players changin' their walk up to bat tunes from popular music to classical melodies.  To read all her thoughts simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram.

Likes below we are sharin' the portion of Miss Bloom's writin's that are directly Dino-related.  As you will read below, Elizabeth let us know that Pirate's catcher, Mr. Francisco Cervelli, uses our most beloved Dino's much beloved croon "That's Amore" to accompany him to the plate.  It's a Dino-detail that we are deeply delighted to learn! And, likes as you will read below, our Dino is 'mong his most fav crooners!

What a wonderful way for a Dino-devotee to proclaim this Dino-devotion to the world....and we sweetly salute Mr. Cervelli for so opennin'ly makin' his Dino-adulation known.  And we loves his wonderfully wise words,...

"“It’s kind of an old-school, romantic thing, and the way Dean Martin sounds is typically like a New York style, like Frank Sinatra,” he said. “It’s kind of voices from the past. And I think those kinds of music, they never end, you know? It’s not for six months and people forget about it. It’s going to be forever.”

Likes Mr. Cervelli, we couldn't agree with you more!  We shouts out our awesome appreciato to both Miss Elizabeth Bloom for her wonderful writin' and Mr. Francisco Cervelli for his wonderful choice of this Dino-croon each and every time he makes it up to bat!  Dino-delightedly, DMP


Dean Martin’s “That’s Amore” vs. “La donna e mobile” from Giuseppe Verdi’s “Rigoletto”

Of all the songs that accompany Pittsburgh Pirates as they walk up to bat, Francisco Cervelli’s selection is the most surprising.

Surprising, “especially with a guy so electric like me,” Mr. Cervelli said, tongue-in-cheek, in the dugout before a home game against the Chicago Cubs.

“That’s Amore,” Dean Martin’s 1952 classic, cradles the stadium rather than rocks it. Judging from his musical choices, Mr. Cervelli appreciates the human voice, sans auto-tune. “In New York, when I had a chance, I went to Broadway shows,” he said, listing Andrea Bocelli, Tony Bennett, Latin music and Mr. Martin among his favorites.

“It’s kind of an old-school, romantic thing, and the way Dean Martin sounds is typically like a New York style, like Frank Sinatra,” he said. “It’s kind of voices from the past. And I think those kinds of music, they never end, you know? It’s not for six months and people forget about it. It’s going to be forever.”

“That’s Amore” begs for a selection drawn from the Italian operatic tradition, and the aria “La donna e mobile” from Verdi’s “Rigoletto” fits the bill.

When I played the aria for Mr. Cervelli, he knowingly asked, “Pavarotti?” and started to hum along.

But would he swap it out for “That’s Amore”? Don’t count on it: The song has become a trademark for the Pirates catcher, and in June, mlb.com listed it among the best tunes MLB players have used in the current season. “I think that the people really like ‘That’s Amore,’ so I’m not going to change it,” Mr. Cervelli said. “It’s a perfect song for the city.”


  1. How amazing is this, it seems once again people of all walks in life still dig Deans songs, esp this classic. This brings a smile to my face, and i see many others as well! Thank you my friend for bringing this feel good story our way!

    Have a great week!


  2. Hey pallie, likes awesomely amazin' Scotty-o. What a thrill it musta be for the thousands of pallies gathered in the stadium to hearin' our most beloved Dino croonin' this terrific tune!
    Keeps lovin' 'n keeps sharin' our most beloved Dino! Know that in our book, likes Scotty dude you are simply the best!
