Friday, August 21, 2015

Cool Cool Collage Of Our Dino and Jerry

Hey pallies, likes sometimes we feel just so Dino-directed to do some minin' of Dino-treasure yet uncovered by simply puttin' the name of our beloved Dino into the ol' google search engine 'long with 'nother word or phrase.  Likes Recently we simply put Dean Martin and hero ('cause, of course, our Dino is our HERO of heroes!) into the search line and low and behold a wonderful Dino and Jerry collage appeared!

From the Pinterset pad presided over by Miss Emily Marlow "My Hero: Jerry Lewis" comes the cool cool collage shared below.  While, we would have been more delighted if we have found it at a pad tagged "My Hero: Dean Martin" 'cause of course we believe that our Dino is truly truly everybody's hero whether they know it our not, we know that wherever great poses of Jerry appear, our Dino's gotta be in many of 'em as well 'cause the team of Martin and Lewis was the great comedic couple ever!

So enjoy pallies, and don't be surprised if we share more Dino and Jerry images from Miss Emily in the near future.  Thanks to Miss Emily Marlow for efforts that we share here!  To checks her pad out directly, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report.  Dino-only, DMP

My Hero: Jerry Lewis  Emily Marlow

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