Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Scotty's Sharin': Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin Backstage

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Hey pallies, likes we gotta 'fess up that we are deeply deeply delighted to today once 'gain return to that  coolest of cool "This And That" blog on the ol' 'net, "BlueisKewl" where our ever-growin'-in-Dino pallie Scotty-o hangs his hat.  Scotty finds the most unique 'n unsual stuff to post at his  blog, and likes, of course, we are biased, but we are most thrilled when Scotty finds 'nother way to accent our most beloved Dino.

Likes, it has been sometime since Scotty has posted new Dino-treasure....if memory serves us correctly 'round the date of our main man's main day of homagin' his entry onto our planet our deeply devoted to Dino dude, Scotty, shared a trio of great great awesome adulation to our King of Cool.  So, we are pefectly pleased to share with all youse Dino-philes Scotty-o's latest Dino-discovery.

As you will see below, our pallie Scotty had shared a couple of powerful poses of our Dino and his pallie Mr. Frank Sinatra (one with our Dino's youngest girl pallie Gina) taken durin' rehearsals for that most memorable of memorable holiday edition of the Dino-show in December of '67 which united the Dino-clan with the Sinatra clan.

We loves seein' our one and only Dino havin' such a fun fun time with Mr. Sinatra, and we thanks our faithful pallie Scotty for sharin' these incredible images with his readership so that we coulda pass 'em on to our for your purely pure pleasure of Dino-viewin'!  Per usual, to view these post in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram.  Dino-diggin', DMP

Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin Backstage, With Dean’s Daughter Gina, During Rehearsals for their Christmas Special, 1967

'Christmas with the Martins and The Sinatras'. Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra's families gather together for a Christmas show on 'The Dean Martin Show', season 3 episode 15, which aired on December 21, 1967



  1. Great pics! Thanks for sharin', Scotty my pal!

  2. That 1967 Christmas Special was one outstanding show!

    Thanks for the great photos, Scotty!

  3. Thank you my friends for the very kind words, i appreciate it.

    I hope everyone has a safe and happy week!


  4. Hey pallie, likes Scotty, likes it is we that thanks you for your ever growin' devotion to our one and only Dino! Keeps lovin', keeps postin' our most beloved Dino!
