Saturday, July 25, 2015

Martin and Lewis run amok with spies, models and Shirley MacLaine in this star-studded comedy!

Hey pallies, likes on this 69th anniversary of our most beloved Dino and his most beloved comedic partner Mr. Jerry Lewis, likes we thought how cool it woulda be to be able to share with all youse Dino-philes our most fav of fav Martin and Lewis big screen epics, "Artists And Models."  So likes we just checks out youtube hopin' that perhaps just perhaps some Dino-lovin' pallie might have posted it for all our Dino-viewin' pleasure...and Dino-low and Dino-behold likes we found that "The Paramount Vault" had indeed done at good Dino-deed!

To us, "Artists and Models" is perfectly perfect in every way.  Our Dino and Mr. Lewis have awesomely  amazin' chemistry in this 1955 feature flick filmed in VistaVision.    And, our main man gets to croon a number of terrific tunes includin' our fabulous fav of favs "The Lucky Song."  This glorious musical comedy shows our Dino and Mr. Lewis at the top of their form as the greatest comedy team ever.

On this most most important day in Dino-history, the day we honor the beginnin' of the decade long partnership known as Martin & Lewis, sits back and bask in all the comedic fun of "Artists And Models."  Dino-delightedly, DMP    btw pallies, d'ya know that it is in this flick that Dino called Mr. Lewis pallie!

Martin and Lewis run amok with spies, models and Shirley MacLaine in this star-studded comedy!


  1. It is hard to believe that this comedy gem is sixty nine years old! Thank you for posting this great comedy video, i guess now i have something to do this afternoon!


  2. Hey pallie, likes Scotty-o I thinks this fabulous flick was released in 1955 somewhat near our Dino's endin' with Mr. Lewis, so it is 60 years young and more beautiful then ever! Hopes you found it as enjoyable as we do! Keeps lovin', keeps sharin' our most beloved Dino!
