Wednesday, June 03, 2015

The elegance of Dean Martin

Hey pallies, likes on this third day of celebratin' "The Day That Coolness Came To Earth" we are 'gain most most delighted to share more Dino-devotion with an internationale flair.  From the  Buenos Aires'  Radio blog "Nacional ROCK FM 93.7 comes the post "The elegance of Dean Martin.  It's a perfect pose of our most beloved Dino in the recordin' studio makin' magic with a bit of prose announcin' a radio programme accentin' the life of our Dino.  If you clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram you will be able to accent the programme which runs 'bout 20 minutes.

Three pallies gather to homage our Dino....Cecilia Elia with Santiago Schefer and Diego Mancusi
have a lively Dino-dialogue and we only wishes that we coulda understand Spanish well 'nough to enjoys it more....but we are always always delighted to see more and more international acclaim for our one and only Dino...even if we can't grasp it all.

If any of youse pallies are fluent in Spanish we woulda be most grateful if youse woulda shares with the rest of us the gist of this program celebratin' "The Elegance Of Dean Martin."  We thanks the pallies at  Nacional ROCK FM 93.7 for spreadin' the Dino-message of cool in their part of the universe.  Dino-sharin', DMP

The elegance of Dean Martin


In his weekly column Wednesday , Cecilia Elia took the opportunity to review the life of the American Star Studio . With Santiago Schefer and Diego Mancusi also talking about his acting career , he analyzed the musical side , sounding their most popular items . There was also place to remember the legendary duo he formed with actor and comedian Jerry Lewis.

La elegancia de Dean Martin

En su columna semanal de los miércoles, Cecilia Elía aprovechó para repasar la vida de la estrella estadounidense en Monoambiente. Junto a Santiago Schefer y Diego Mancusi, además de hablar de su carrera actoral, analizaron su faceta musical, haciendo sonar sus temas más populares. También hubo lugar para recordar la legendaria dupla que formó junto al actor y humorista Jerry Lewis.


  1. It really is wonderful to see such a wide variety of people from all walks of live come together in celebration of DM. Thank you for bringing this our way!


  2. Hey pallie, likes Scotty, and for all corners of the Dino-universe as well! Keeps lovin', keeps sharin' our most beloved Dino!
