Monday, June 15, 2015


Hey pallies, likes as we continues our "The Day That Coolness Came To Earth" festivities here at our humble little ilovedinomartin Dino-blog, we are deeply delighted to be able to share 'nother post of internationale  Dino-devotion from the land of Dino-heritage, the region of Abruzzo, Italy, the town of  Montesilvano.  From the on-line presence of "LA DOLCE VITA" (the sweet life) comes the sweetest of Dino-news.

The post tagged "THAT'S LOVE: THE LONG JOURNEY OF DEAN MARTIN," shares the sweet news that the area Lion's Club  (District V District 108 A, Italy) are joinin' forces with Dean Martin Foundation of Montesilvano and others to puts on a charity event "to recall the figure of Dean Martin."  The scribin's goes on to state that the proceeds from this swingin' Dino-event "will go towards the purchase of a guide dog for a blind person" residin' in the area.  The Lion's Clubs internationally  are really really really huge on helpin' pallies with eye needs.

We are thrilled, 'specially in this marvelous month of special salute to our most beloved Dino, to find pallies from our Dino's land of heritage gettin' together to celebrate "the long journey of Dean Martin" for such a good cause.  Our Dino was very generous in helpin' out pallies in need...and so how delightful it is to see this tribute of our great man helpin' such a great cause!  All the details are below, 'cept we ain't been able to figure out the exact day and times of this Dino-event.

We thanks the pallies at "LA DOLCE VITA" for sharin' news of this most Dino-honorin' event and we wishes the organizers the best as they lift up the name of our Dino while servin' humanity.  To checks this out in it's original source, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram.  Dino-delightedly, DMP


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Twenty years after the death of showman originally from Abruzzo, the Lions Club of District V District 108 A, Italy, in collaboration with the Foundation of Montesilvano Dean Martin and the patronage of the Municipalities of Pescara and Miglianico, organize a charity show to recall the figure of Dean Martin. The show, produced with the collaboration of Germano D'Aurelio (aka Nduccio), was written and directed by Peppe Millanta and will see on stage actors Milo Vallone and Domenico Galasso, accompanied by the musicians of Abruzzo Big Band Pierpaolo Tolloso, Vincenzino De Ritis, Loris Donatelli, Marianna Capone, Pierpaolo Chain, Fausto Della Torre, Stefano Corsini, Alice Vedilei, Federica Di Sabatino, Millanta Peppe and Francesco Di Tizio, who also handled the art direction. The arrangements were made by Simone and Andrea Di Marcoberardino Pacelli, while the graphic design and video of Matthew Sabatini. The show will offer a cross-section of public and private especially the great artist, from his father Gaetano from Montesilvano trip to the United States. The proceeds will go towards the purchase of a guide dog for a blind person in our region, through the non-profit organization "Service Guide Dogs of the Lions", an organization active since 1959 that annually trains about 50 dogs to deliver them free of charge to the blind. The suggested donation is 10 €, 5 € for the under thirty. Info: 328.4222925; 328.4921278


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A vent’anni dalla scomparsa dello showman di origini abruzzesi, i Lions Club della V Circoscrizione distretto 108 A, Italia, in collaborazione con la Fondazione Dean Martin di Montesilvano e con il patrocinio dei Comuni di Pescara e di Miglianico, organizzano uno spettacolo di beneficenza per ricordare la figura di Dean Martin. Lo spettacolo, realizzato con la preziosa collaborazione di Germano D’Aurelio (in arte Nduccio), è stato scritto e diretto da Peppe Millanta e vedrà sul palco gli attori Milo Vallone e Domenico Galasso, affiancati dai musicisti della Abruzzo Big Band Pierpaolo Tolloso, Vincenzino De Ritis, Loris Donatelli, Marianna Capone, Pierpaolo Catena, Fausto Della Torre, Stefano Corsini, Alice Vedilei, Federica Di Sabatino, Peppe Millanta e Francesco Di Tizio, che ha curato anche la direzione artistica.  Gli arrangiamenti sono opera di Simone Pacelli e Andrea Di Marcoberardino, mentre il progetto grafico e video è di Matteo Sabatini. Lo spettacolo intende offrire uno spaccato della vita pubblica e soprattutto privata del grande artista, a partire dal viaggio del padre Gaetano da Montesilvano agli Stati Uniti. Il ricavato sarà devoluto all’acquisto di un cane guida per un non vedente della nostra Regione, tramite la Onlus “Servizio Cani Guida dei Lions”, ente attivo dal 1959 che ogni anno addestra circa 50 cani per consegnarli gratuitamente a non vedenti. L’offerta consigliata è di 10 euro, 5 euro per gli under trenta.  Per info: 328.4222925; 328.4921278


  1. LOVE that they are liftin' up the name of Dean for such a GREAT cause! He would be VERY VERY happy 'bout this! I'm SURE he is smilin' down!

  2. If I recall correctly, the Crocettis were from Abuzzo.

  3. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o,we believes your thoughts are right on the Dino-mark! Keeps lovin', keeps sharin' our Dino!

  4. Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW, your Dinio-recall is correct. Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!

  5. What a feel good posting this is. It is wonderful that people are coming to help someone in need, esp in the name of DM. Despite the daily problems and issues going on there are still many wonderful people who will pull together in a time of need.

    Thank you my friend for bringing this wonderful posting our way!

    Have a great week!


  6. Hey pallie, likes we woulda say Scotty that your patter has nailed it on the Dino-mark our Dino-devoted pallie. Might we add, we very much appreciate the ton of support you offer our little Dino-conclave...very encouragin' dude! Keeps lovin', keeps sharin' our most beloved Dino!
