Saturday, June 06, 2015


Dean Martin - Since I Met You Baby

 Dean Martin - Since I Met You Baby
  Hey pallies, likes every year as "The Day That Coolness Came To Earth" approaches, we here at ilovedinomartin always always solemnly search our hearts for what coulda be the bestest of the best post to share in our deepest of deep devotion to our most beloved Dino in remembrance of his day of birth.

This year 'cause June 7th falls on our Sunday, our pallie  Danny-o, a deeply-devoted-to-Dino-dude, has the purely powerful pleasure of usin' his weekly musical column, "Danny G.'s Sunday Serenade With Dino" to honour our King of Cool and we just knows that it will be a potently perfect post beautifully burstin' with absolutely awesome adulation of our one and only Dino.

So, we have been focusin' on our bestest of best way to show our passion for Dino on the day before "The Day That Coolness Came To Earth."  We had a few ideas, but recently we have felt deeply drawn to stop over at our Dino's youngest boypallie Ricci's home pad to checks out the action, and likes when we did that a couple of days ago and happened to peruse a number of his pages, we were led to look at his  BIO PAGE full of great details 'bout his cool career.

Well, likes we were beatifully blown away when we came to the section of his bio that spoke of "Ricci's  fascination with the new music video format and he began to produce and direct music videos. One of Ricci’s music videos was very special as he directed his Father Dean’s only music video Since I Met You Baby."  Indeed, we thinks that Ricci's crownin' effort for his Dino daddy-o was his creation of this magnificant mix of images and music.


And there we were stunned, yes Dino-holics, stunned to see a vid of "Since I Met You, Baby" posted to that page....and as we viewed it, we realized that it was a pristine copy of it and most beautiful to behold.  Likes we have always always been grateful that at least one copy of the vid has been posted to youtube for a number of years, but the vid on Ricci's page is more glorious than any we have beheld before!  The colorin' is magnificant and the images crystal clear!

At that moment, we knew that we this is definitely what we are called to share in homage of our Dino in remembrance of his day of birth.  Likes we couldn't get to copy the vid, so below you will find the one on youtube....but RUSH ON OVER TO RICCI'S HOME PAD and watch his coolest of cool copy!  You can click on the "BIO PAGE" link above or the tag of this here Dino-gram to goes there.

Also, in researchin' back in the ol' archives here at ilovedinomartin we came 'cross some powerful prose from Mr. Jayme Wing or was the editor who created our Dino's vid of "Since I Met You, Baby."  These words were included in a comment that Mr. Wing made on one of the copies of the music vid shared at youtube.  Those wise words are shared below for all our Dino-edification.  Cool to know how much Wing digged the op to serve our most beloved Dino in this way!

So, likes on this day before "The Day That Coolness Came To Earth," enjoys film editor Mr. James Wing's remarkable reflections and goes off to Ricci Martin's bio page to endulge in the bestest of best copies of this coolest of cool vid.  Likes We can watch it over and over and never tire of viewin' and listenin' to our King of Cool croons this swankest of swank swingin' croon!   Deeply devoted to Dino, DMP

My name is Jayme Wing and I am the editor who created this video. I did all the offline and on line editing and all the matte effects and design. It contains my trademark red dot. This video was done in the mid 1980's. All of the effects you see in this video were done using an analog video switcher while playing back multiple 1" video tape machines. We did not have any software based effects. This video was shot on video tape instead of 16 or 35mm film.

Some of the effects you see in the video were created to mask camera exposure problems and other issues. It took about a month to make this video. Man, I had a great time making this video. Thanks Dino!


  1. This is the first time i have herd this song or seen the video and came away impressed. I really enjoyed Ricci's page as well and was amazed by the quality of DM's video there. Thank you for bringing this gem our way and of course a very big Happy Birthday Dino!

    Have a wonderful week.


  2. Hey pallie, likes we are powerfully pumped that this is your first intro to our Dino's magnificant music vid "Since I Met You Baby." We are thrilled to see how much you have grown in your deepest of deep devotion to our Dino over this past year. And, thanks ever so much for creatin' three most Dino-honorin' posts over at your beau-tif-ful blog "BlueisKewl." The one particularly focused on our Dino's birthday is bein' shared this day at our humble little Dino-blog. Keeps lovin', keeps sharin' our most beloved Dino!
