Friday, June 12, 2015

Remembering Dean Martin on his birthday!

Hey pallies, likes today's Dino-gram in honor of our most beloved Dino on his day of birth....what we most fondly tagged "The Day That Coolness Came To Earth" is probably the most unique and diverse way of honorin' our most beloved Dino that we have uncovered this year.  From the self-tagged blog, "RICK GOLDSCHMIDT" comes his Dino-remembrance tagged "Remembering Dean Martin on his birthday!"

It's truly the most interestin' trio of pixs!  The first are a couple of autographed images of our Dino with one scribed "To Rick Always Dean Martin" makin' us wonder if indeed this pix was personally signed by our Dino for blog master Rick.

The second set of poses of our Dino closely cuddlin' with one beau-ti-ful chick while that famous Dino-glance at 'nother seen on the al-b-um cover of "Winter Romance."  And, likes the third is a pix of the coolest of cool Dino-toys....The Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis TV Puppet Show.
It features puppets of our Dino and Jerry, a 45 rpm record, some directions, a pix of Dino and Jerry, what looks like a curtain for a puppet theatre....and more.

Rick has assembled quite, as we said earlier, quite the unique and diverse set of Dino-devotion.  Oh, even at our no-longer-a-child age, what we woulda gives to get our hands on one of those Dino and Jerry puppet toy sets!

We thanks Mr. Rick Goldschmidt for his most intriguin' and interestin' Dino-post, all in honor of our most beloved Dino's entry onto the planet.  To checks this out in it's original source, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram   Dino-funnin' 'round, DMP

Remembering Dean Martin on his birthday!


  1. What a wonderful looking collection and what better time then DM's birthday for this to come out. It looks like you hit a home run once again my friend!


  2. Hey pallie, likes Scotty-o, per usual we are most delighted that you digs the Dino-post. Keeps lovin', keeps sharin' our most beloved Dino!
