Saturday, June 20, 2015

Our Private Tour Visits Dean Martin

Dean Martin

Hey pallies, likes don't know 'bout youse Dino-holics, but we keeps dreamin' of the day when we can make pilgrimage not only to the pad of Dino's birth....Steubenville, Ohio, but also to our Dino's playground in 'Vegas baby 'Vegas, and to the land where our most beloved Dino spent most of his time, lived his life, and shared his legacy....Hollywood.

Well. today's Dino-gram shares a great private tour service that woulda be most helpful once one landed in Hollywood.  We found out all 'bout it when our usual 20 pages of google Dino-blog searchin' turned us in the direction of the business blog, "Luxury Tours of Los Angeles."  We found a pix of a devotee of our Dino standin' in front of our Dino's crypt at Westwood Village Memorial Park.

And, likes the description tells how this here service woulda also take pallies likes us to other of places related to the Dino-journey..." Houses, restaurants, bars (in Dean’s case), hangouts, film and recording studios, radio and television stations…"  While we thinks that went we finally make the pilgrimage to the land of Dino, we woulda wants to personally make our own Dino-iteration to each spot of Dino-interest, we can see how someone with 'nough bread woulda finds this service very helful indeed.

We're glad in this month of special Dino-commemoration of "The Day That Coolness Came To Earth" to have happened 'pon this site and be able to share it will all youse Dino-philes.  To checks it out in it's original source, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report.  Dino-followin', DMP

 Luxury Tours of Los Angeles - 3:00 8 June 2015


Our private Los Angeles tour guest visit the crypt of Dean Martin

 Our Private Tour Visits Dean Martin

As the master crooner, comedy idol and movie star might say when our guests specifically request a visit to his crypt, “Well ain’t that a kick in the head.”  We do this all the time when our private Los Angeles tour guests express a particular interest in a celebrity, living or dead, we take them to as many locations as we can where they connect with their favorite star.  Houses, restaurants, bars (in Dean’s case), hangouts, film and recording studios, radio and television stations…wherever we can go that allows our visitors a chance to recognize and remember their favorites.  And, as you see, we visit cemeteries.  Dean Martin spends his days in the same tiny cemetery as Marilyn Monroe and many other familiar names from his era: Donna Reed, Dean Martin, Natalie Wood, Roy Orbison, Carroll O’Connor, Jack Lemmon, Walter Matthau, Don Knotts, Peter Falk, Eddie Albert, Peggy Lee, Mel Torme, George C. Scott, Burt Lancaster, Eve Arden, Carl Wilson, Eva Gabor, Farrah Fawcett and Truman Capote.


  1. What a great service and idea this is to visit all the happening places that Dino once enjoyed.This sounds like a great vacation idea.

    Thank you for bringing this golden nugget of Dino info our way!

    Have a great weekend.


  2. Hey pallie, likes Scotty, thank you dude for your extraordinary encouragement of our efforts here at ilovedinomartin in the cause of our most beloved Dino! It is pallies like you that makes our humble little efforts worthwhile. Make it a Dino-weekend yourself Scotty-o! Keeps lovin', keeps sharin' our most beloved Dino!

  3. As Scott says above: What a great service and idea this is to visit all the happening places that Dino once enjoyed.This sounds like a great vacation idea.

    As you know, DMP, Mr. AOW and I have visited the L.A. area several times. On our very first visit there in 1975, I planned our itinerary for our own private tour honoring the King of Cool: driving by his homes, visiting the site of Dino's Lodge, and, of course, our Dino's final resting place.

    We also visited Steubenville a few times. As you may recall, there I met one of our Dino's high school teachers, Francesca Monaco.

    Sadly, we have never made it to Vegas. Many of the landmarks "belonging" to our Dino has now been demolished. **sigh**

  4. Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW, as we read your patter, we caught the Dino-notion of how cool it woulda be to organize an ilovedinomartin pilgrimage and gather pallies together to make a Dino-journey together, but likes of course we woulda needs the bread ourselves to do so! How wonderful that you and Mr. AOW have nave a number of ops to travel to such great Dino-sites!
    Keeps lovin', keeps sharin' our most beloved Dino!
