Monday, June 01, 2015

"Let's call the convention center in Dean Martin "

Image result for dean martin Montesilvano

Hey pallies, likes we totally totally thrilled to likes today begin our month long celebration of "The Day That Coolness Came To Earth".....the day that our most beloved Dino descended to our planet on June 7, 1917...and likes have we got an awesomely amazin' hugely homagin' of our most beloved Dino announcement to share....potently powerfully perfect to sets the touchin' tone of deep devotion to our Dino!

From the blog  "Il Giornale di Montesilvano  - Per L'Abruzzo, affacciato sul mondo ..." that translates to: "The Journal of Montesilvano - For Abruzzo , overlooking the world" comes news that Montesilvano's Councillor Carlandrea Falcone is proposin' that their new convention center be named for our one and only DINO!  As youse Dino-philes will recall Montesilvano is the mother earth of our Dino as his father Gaetano Crocetti hailed from there.

Regular readers of ilovedinomartin knows that this city of our Dino's origins  each year honors our King of Cool by givin' out the Dean Martin award and just a couple of years ago, on our Dino's birthday, named a park in his honor....THE DEAN MARTIN PARK!  You can read more 'bout these details by puttin: "Montesilvano" in ilovedinomartin's search drive.

Likes today on this first day of our month long celebration of "The Day That Coolness Came To Earth" we are deeply delighted to share Councillor Carlandrea Falcone wise words of deepest appreciato for namin' their newest public buildin', the convention center, after our Dino.

 Speakin' of taggin' the center after our Dino, Falcone states, " We thought then, a name that is synonymous with popularity, successful and internationally known."  We couldn't 'gree more with Mr. Falcone as likes who is more popular,  more successful and more internationally known then our Dino?  Know we think!  Falcone goes on to speak so beautifully and boldly 'bout our Dino sayin' " Dean Martin was a legend cinema and a singer appreciated."  We so so totally agree and will be lookin' forward to confirmation of this most stunnin'ly steller suggestion.

We salute Councillor Carlandrea Falcone for such a swank suggestion and for the pallies at "The Journal of Montesilvano - For Abruzzo , overlooking the world" for spreadin' the news worldwide.
To checks it out there, simply clicks on the tag of this her Dino-report.  Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP

Falcone : "Let's call the convention center in Dean Martin "

Entitle Palacongressi Montesilvano to Dean Martin, born Dino Crocetti, popular American singer, son of montesilvanese Gaetano Crocetti. This is the proposal of Councillor Carlandrea Falcone, shared by the Commerce Commission and that soon will land in the Executive.

 "The convention center - Falcone explains - as well as being a focal point of Montesilvano, just a few steps from the structures of our city, is the ideal place to host exhibitions, conferences and concerts of international importance. It is an important business card that requires a more precise identification. We thought then, a name that is synonymous with popularity, successful and internationally known. It could therefore become "Pala Dean Martin, culture, entertainment and sport." Dean Martin was a legend cinema and a singer appreciated. To name the convention center at this Hollywood star could be a source of additional attraction for the organizers of international events. "

Falcone: “Intitoliamo il Palacongressi a Dean Martin”


Intitolare il Palacongressi di Montesilvano a Dean Martin, al secolo Dino Crocetti, popolarissimo cantante statunitense, figlio del montesilvanese Gaetano Crocetti. È questa la proposta del consigliere comunale Carlandrea Falcone, condivisa dalla Commissione Commercio e che presto approderà in Giunta.

"Il Palacongressi - spiega Falcone - oltre a trovarsi in un punto nodale di Montesilvano, a pochi passi dalle strutture ricettive della nostra città, è il luogo ideale per ospitare fiere, congressi e concerti di risonanza internazionale. È un biglietto da visita importante che necessita di una identificazione più precisa. Abbiamo pensato dunque ad un nome che è sinonimo di popolarità, di successo e noto a livello internazionale. La struttura potrebbe dunque divenire “Pala Dean Martin, cultura, spettacolo e sport”. Dean Martin è stata una leggenda del cinema e un cantante apprezzatissimo. Intitolare il Palacongressi a questa star hollywoodiana potrebbe essere fonte di ulteriore richiamo per gli organizzatori di eventi internazionali".


  1. Very cool honor for a VERY cool cat! Love it!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, you sez it dude! Likes how cool to have this comin' as we reflect on "The Day That Coolness Came To Earth." Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
