Sunday, June 28, 2015

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "It's The Talk Of The Town"

Hey there pals! What's shakin'?
How's my brethren of Dino-holics?
Well, we made it to Summer, mi amici! Soak it in, pallies.
Hit those beaches!
Grab a little tan!
 Sip a yummy drink...or two!
Make SURE Dean is settin' the atmosphere just right! These HOT, STEAMY days & nights go by SO SO fast!
Let's wind down "The day that coolness came to Earth" month in style, pals! Sound good to youse? Good! I thinks I got JUST the right tune!

Nothin' I dig more than chillin' on a beach...or by a cool cool pool...with a drink in my hand & Dino in my ear, pals! THAT'S Summer to me & I'm gonna make it happen as much as I can this year! Haha!!

Now...youses know me...I LOVE to keep a good time rollin'!
 I dug  jammin' to Dean's "trucker jams" SO SO much last week... that I simply HAD to play 'nother!

Today's Serenade, "It's The Talk of The Town", is from that same easy flowin' moment in time.

Dean was a wee bit older...a wee bit blonder! Hahaha!!!
 A bit of a "rebirth" for our bestest guy.
The 70's were upon us! Haha!!
A VERY cool time, actually, for Dean.
 His TV show was still doin' great! His songs were still makin' the charts! His movies were still sellin' tickets & his live act was still packin' 'em in!
Man! Busy fella!
 Let's celebrate those GREAT GREAT times with a GREAT GREAT Dino-tune!
This one is PERFECTO for a hazy, lazy Summer day, like this.
 Melt into it, pals.

I can't show my face can't go anyplace
People stop and stare it's so hard to bear
Everybody knows you left me it's the talk of the town

Every time we meet my heart skips a beat
We don't stop to speak though it's just a week
Everybody knows you left me it's the talk of the town

We send our invitations to friends and relations announcing our wedding day
Friends and relations gave congratulations how can you face them what can you say

Let's make up sweetheart we can't stay apart
Don't let foolish pride keep you from my side
How can love like ours be ended it's the talk of the town


  1. What a sweet sounding song for a rainy summer Sunday. Thank you for the wonderful song and Sunday posting as always my friend.

    Have a great week


  2. Thanks pallie! My pleasure!
