Wednesday, May 13, 2015

When it comes to Dean Martin, I’m a fan.

Hey pallies, likes today we return to familiar Dino-territory....a blog tagged "Mike's Take On The Movies," where cinema-holic Mr. Michael Perry hands his hat.  Mr. Perry's bio tells us that he " has been collecting films and film memorabilia since he was a 12 years old. He currently has amassed over 7000 titles and his collection of films, film books and memorabilia continues to expand."   And, likes of course Perry has him some of our Dino's big screen efforts as part of his collection.

On two different occasions we have been privileged here at ilovedinomartin to share previous patter on Mike's takes on our Dino's last western, "Showdown,"  HERE and on the Dino and Jerry caper, "Money From Home,"   HERE.   Today we are deeply delighted to share Mike's most recent piece of Dino-devotion tagged "Dean Martin and the Western Poster Gallery."

Perry begins his wise words with the beautifully bold passionate proclamation, "When it comes to Dean Martin, I’m a fan."   Nothin' more delightin' to us here at ilovedinomartin then here 'nother Dino-holic openly speak of there delight in our most beloved Dino!  This particular homage of our Dino includes a few words 'bout many of our Dino's westerns and then stunnin' poster images from each of the flicks.

So enjoys some Dino-pleasure a la our main man's fav sorta flicks.  We salute Mr. Mike Perry for sharin' his powerful passion for our Dino in western mode!  To checks this out in it's original source, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report.  Dino-delightedly, DMP

Dean Martin and the Western Poster Gallery

When it comes to Dean Martin, I’m a fan. Be it a comedy, romance or drama. Makes no difference. Singing? When he’s on my car radio, don’t touch the dial till the songs over! Now cast him in a western and you’ve got me hooked. His carefree attitude suits any genre he appeared in. When it comes to the on screen cowboys he played that attitude rides in the saddle all the easier.
Dino first played in a western for laughs opposite partner Jerry Lewis in 1956 but it was Howard Hawks and the Duke that gave him his first real taste of gun play.
Fun and games with Frank and company. Sergeants 3 and this star studded extravaganza.
4 for texas
Back with the Duke for a fun bit of action and revenge, western style. “Mr. Hastings, you know everybody around here: Can you tell us who is the dirty stinkin’ lowdown rat that shot our pa? ”
Riding for laughs with French heart throb Alain Delon.
“You killed him, you bury him! ”
“You just walked into a bank and helped yourself to ten thousand dollars ’cause it seemed like the thing to do? ”
Playing stud with Roddy and solving mysteries opposite Mitchum.
5 card stud
In 1971 Dean played another oater for laughs opposite Brian Keith in “something big” and hit the trail for one last Showdown opposite Rock Hudson in 1973.

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