Sunday, May 17, 2015

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "The Lady With The Big Umbrella"

Welcome home mi amici!
Yes...I said Home.
 After all, pals...they say..."Home is where the heart is" heart is with Dean...
& Dean ALWAYS reminds me of home! Ha! 
Do youse agree, pallies?
He def i nate ly brings us back to WONDERFUL days from our pasts & FUN FUN simpler times gone by.
 Now pals...NOTHIN' makes me think 'bout those simple days more than a funky spunky jam like today's Serenade!
 "The Lady with The Big Umbrella" is SUCH a crazy tune with SUCH a jumpin' beat & SUCH a bouncin' groove...youse just has can't help but laugh & smile! Haha!!'s 'bout throwin' in a WICKEDLY cool cool vid featurin' super hipster spyster , Matt Helm, & makin' this a REAL party?! Haha YEA!!!

 Man o man pals...I am gettin' ALL pumped up just talkin' 'bout it!!! Hahaha!!!

 OK...better chill out & get to the jammin'!
 So pallies...welcome home & REMEMBER...ALWAYS keeps the Dino & the vino flowin'!


The lady with the big umbrella
Her name is Roseabella
You'll always see her with a fella
And her pink and yella umbrella
She isn't much for fancy dancing
But this girl sure love romancing
She's the lady with the big umbrella
And her name is Roseabella
With her umbrella in her hand
She's never shy and that's the reason why
She has a guy that's why
For love's a thing she really knows there is no doubt
For what it's all about she has found out
So plan a trip to Venezuela
You must see Roseabella
You'll always see her with a fella
And a pink and yella umbrella
(La la la la la la la la...)
(La la la la la la la la...)
(La la la la la la la la...)
(La la la la la la la la...)
With her umbrella in her hand
She's never shy and that's the reason why
She has a guy that's why
For love's a thing she really knows there is no doubt
For what it's all about she has found out
So plan a trip to Venezuela
You must see Roseabella
You'll always see her with a fella
'Cause some say that her umbrella
Is the way she gets her fella
But is it her umbrella
Or Roseabella


  1. It looks like it will be a very warm and sunny day here in New England and this is the perfect Sunday song, fun and very upbeat. I also liked the video clip as well, a great choice my friend.

    Have a great week,


  2. Great pick for today, Danny G!

    This is one of our Dino's lesser-known tunes. But so much fun!

  3. Thanks pallies! Glad youse enjoyed! Dean makes my job easy! Hahaha!!!
