Friday, May 15, 2015

A lot a Dino’s songs are beautiful and a lot are interesting but this one just speaks the truth!

Hey pallies, likes today's Dino-gram to youse is likes pretty short, and likes pretty sweet!  We here at ilovedinomartin loves to reflect on the life, times, and teachin's of our most beloved Dino.  There are tons and tons of posts that we have shared that awesomely accent our Dino's life and times, but sadly much fewer that revealin'ly reflect on our master Dino's teachin's 'cause in our opinion there are far too few folks who revel in our Dino as not only the knowledgeable  knower, and incredible  imparter of all worldly wisdom.

Likes that's why we are so so psyched to be able to share today's wonderful wisdom from an obvious lover of our great great man along with a youtube vid of a "lovely song."  From the blog "CROONER Stars," where the "Admin" has shared the post "Dean Martin- Money burns a hole in my pocket." Indeed, it is a lovely Dino-croon, but what really drew us to sharin' this post is these wisest of wise words from the poster, " A lot a Dino’s songs are beautiful and a lot are interesting but this one just speaks the truth!"

How it warms our hearts to find 'nother devotee of our most beloved Dino who understands him as a stunnin' speaker of tremendous truths!  Far to many folks think that our Dino's croonin' is simply for entertainin' purposes.  Yes, our Dino is the great entertainer to ever walk our planet, but so so often he is also the incredible inparter of  worldly wisdom as noted by this Dino-scriber in the tune, "Money Burns A Hole In My Pocket."

ilovedinomartin salutes "Admin" for understandin' our Dino's role as teacher extraordinare and sharin' that fact with the readers of "CROONER Stars."  To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report.  Dino-learnin', DMP

Dean Martin- Money burns a hole in my pocket

A lot a Dino’s songs are beautiful and a lot are interesting but this one just speaks the truth! Hope you enjoy it! it’s a lovely song :)


  1. What a sweet sounding song for a Sunday and one that i can relate to - 'If i had millions of dollars’! :-)

    You picked a winner and one that i have not herd before so it makes it extra special to me.

    I hope things are going well over at 'ilovedinomartin' this and every single day!

    Have a great week!


  2. Hey pallie, likes Scotty-o, in only we had a mil or two...just think how much Dino-treasure we coulda grabs! Best to youse in your growin' devotion to our Dino! Keeps lovin', keeps sharin' our most beloved Dino!
