Tuesday, April 07, 2015

Welcome to the official DEAN MARTIN ASSOCIATION site.

Hey pallies, today we takes you to the home page of THE DEAN MARTIN ASSOCIATION, which we learned 'bout for the first time yester-Dino-day when we shared that most outstandin' post by Mr. Elliot Thorpe, the beloved son of Mr.  Bernard Thorpe, the beloved founder of "the first and only official organisation dedicated to Dean Martin in the world at the time."

We are thrilled to be able to share for the first time this wonderful site of deep, pure, and true devotion to our most beloved Dino.  A little bit 'bouot the DMA history is found here and we are absolutely awestruck by the coolest of cool quotation 'bout our King of Cool by entertainer extraordinare Mr. Michael  BublĂ©..."Cool is as cool does." Dean Martin was the epitome of that statement. A distinctive vocal ability and effortless grace have made Dean an icon for the ages.

The site seems to still be a work in progress as several of the page links are yet to be completed.
And, that's sweet with us 'cause one coulda never ever completely tell the Dino-story 'cause there will always always be more and more to share!

Tomorrow we plan to return and accent the fully completed page, "DEAN AND BERNARD" which shares an abundance of awesome thoughts on our most beloved Dino and Mr. Thorpe journey of deep deep devotion to our King of Cool.  We truly stand in awe pallies of Mr. Bernard Thorpe who has dedicated  55 years of his life to liftin' up the life, the times, and the teachin's of our most beloved Dino!!!!!

We salutes Mr. Bernard Thorpe and his son Mr. Elliot Thorpe for their on-goin' energetic efforts to keeps the Dino-light glowin' Dino-bright at the DEAN MARTIN ASSOCIATION!  To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report.  Deeply, deeply diggin' Dino, DMP


"Cool is as cool does." Dean Martin was the epitome of that statement. A distinctive vocal ability and effortless grace have made Dean an icon for the ages.

Michael Bublé

Welcome to the official DEAN MARTIN ASSOCIATION site.

Founded in 1960, THE DEAN MARTIN ASSOCIATION was proud to be the first and only official organisation dedicated to Dean Martin in the world at the time.

The DMA's honorary Association president until his sad death in December 1995, Dean personally sanctioned the creation of the Association for Bernard H Thorpe, enabling Bernard and the DMA to promote his career and honour his talent as one of the world's greatest entertainers.

Dean kept close contact with the DMA over the 35 years he knew Bernard, giving a unique insight into this otherwise elusive figure.


  1. Wat a wonderful find - it is so nice to see other peoples devotion to DM. I looks forward to checking out the site myself.

    Thank you for bringing this site to out attention!

    Have a great weekend.


  2. Hey pallie, indeed Scotty-o, we were beyond totally totally thrilled to make our way to this place of the deepest, purest and truest devotion to our most beloved Dino! Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
