Friday, April 24, 2015

Dean Martin Man Of A Thousand Faces

Hey pallies, likes first off, please stay tuned early next week for a link to Aussie Mr. Joshua Meggitt's
wonderful programme on our most beloved Dino mentioned the last couple of days here at ilovedinomartin.  At this very Dino-moment as we are typin' this Dino-gram to you we are beginnin' to listen to the programme and likes it is totally totally stunnin!  We just need 'nought time to give it the special treatment that it deserves!

So, for this Dino-day we share with you a new youtube vid that came 'cross our email yester-Dino-day from the pallies at google Dino-'lerts.  It's tagged "Dean Martin Man Of A Thousand Faces" and is shared by someone who tags themselves "Nome De Plume."  It's almost three and one half minutes of wee clips from the Dino-show that captures the many many "faces" of our King of Cool.  It is likes such fun to sit back and watch all these great moments with our Dino!

We sez our thanks to "Nome De Plume" for the efforts in sharin' this marvelous montage of magnificant moments  with our one and only Dino!  Likes pallies keeps celebratin' DINO!
In the deepest of deep Dino-devotion, DMP

An Unabashed Look At The Hilarity Of Dean Martin And All His Many Characters And Scenes...

I Hope It Tickles Your Funny Bone...


  1. Great moments from the greatest TV show EVER!

    Thanks, DMP.

  2. Hey pallies, likes Miss AOW you are, as usual, most welcome! Couldn't sayin' better ourselves! Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!

  3. What a wonderful montage of clips from Deans t.v. show and since i have not seem most of them it was a treat for me. I enjoyed every single one of them - it just proves once again what an incredible entertainer DM was!


  4. Hey pallie, indeed Scotty-o, likes you are goin' to need to find some time to go over to youtube to enjoy the feast of Dino-clips from the glorious Dino-show! Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
