Monday, March 09, 2015

It all started with Dean Martin.

Hey pallies, likes words can't express how 'cited we are to be able to share today Dino-devotion with all youse sold-out-to Dino-dudes!  It's 'nother of those remarkably rare and rewardin' pieces of journalism retellin' the truly tremendous,  truly terrific transformin' power of our most beloved Dino!

From the online pages of the Onalaska Holmen (WI) Courier-Life, part of the La Crosse Tribune comes powerful prose scribed by Mr. Randy Erickson 'bout Mr. Joe Bott and his lifelong passion for communicatin' with famous people.  And, likes who is the first famous person that Bott communicated with?  Well, the tag of this Dino-gram spells it out...."It all started with Dean Martin."

As you will read below Joe's  "father noticed young Joe really liked Dean Martin on his weekly variety show, so Dad wrote to Martin and back came an autographed glossy picture."  Now likes how swankly stellar is that pallies?!?!?!?!?  And, as they say the rest is Dino-history!

We excerpt her the Dino-related patter, and if you wanna reads the whole article simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram.  We salute Mr. Randy Erickson and, of course, Mr. Joe Bott for sharin' his Dino-testimonial.  We loves! loves! loves! sharin' true-to-life Dino-passion with our readership and it doesn't get much better then Mr. Joe Bott's early appreciato for our King of Cool!  Dino-sharin', DMP

 Randy Erickson

Ever since Joe Bott was a little kid, he’s been writing to famous people, ones that he thinks are great in real life as well as in their professional pursuits. It all started with Dean Martin.

When he was in first or second grade, his father noticed young Joe really liked Dean Martin on his weekly variety show, so Dad wrote to Martin and back came an autographed glossy picture. Young Joe thought the picture was cool, but he found out how cool it really was when he brought it to his parochial school in La Crosse and all the nuns in the school just had to see it.

“Since way back when, I’ve had this whole fascination with writing to good people who are somewhat famous,” Bott said, especially athletes and musicians. “Ninety percent of those people are so nice.”


  1. "It all started with Dean Martin"...says it all!!!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, ain't that the positively honestly totally Dino-truth....everythin' starts with our most beloved Dino! Keeps lovin', keeps sharin' our most beloved Dino!

  3. I used to write to our Dino, too. And, yes, I got one of those autographed photos. It's on display in a prominent place in my piano room here. Quite a conversation piece, too!

  4. Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW, we remember you tellin' us 'bout that glorious Dino-treasure, we thinks you were even thinkin' at one time of sharin' a photo of the photo with us. Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!

  5. DMP,
    I need to find a way to blur out my name on that photo. The photo was addressed to me.

  6. Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW, we understand, but likes how absolutely awesome that our Dino signed the pix to you! Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
