Thursday, March 26, 2015

In my family, we are undoubtedly Team Dean.

Hey pallies, likes all faithful Dino-holics gathered  'rounds these Dino-parts know how mucho much we digs the incredibly immense interest in all thin's Dino from each 'n every part of the Dino-universe and how mucho much we thrills to put the accent on internationale Dino-devotion and how infrequently we pause to share Dino-emulation with youse 'cause if we did, that woulda be all we coulda share.

Recently we made a rare exception to our rule of sharin' Dino-emulation when we shared a trio of posts on the most marvelous of ops to enjoy Dino-tunes in the likes of Timisoara, Romania.....see  here and  here and  here.  We just couldn't resist 'cause it is so so spectacular 'n stunnin' to know that there are folks in Romania who are deeply devoted to our most beloved Dino.  On quite a similar note, today we shares that our Dino will be havin' some awesome adulation in Stockholm, Sweden on April 26 -28.  This news is shared by scriber  Embla Sue Panova on the website tagged "undifferentiated Cinema TV."

While as is often the case, the translation from Swedish to English leaves something to be desired, our hearts are wondrously warmed by how Miss Panova speaks of her obvious deep, pure, and true devotion to our  most beloved Dino sayin'...."One of my biggest idols are anyway Dean Martin"...and
"In my family, we are undoubtedly Team Dean."  Likes we also totally totally digs the tag of her wondrously wise words, "See Dean Martin live (-ish)" and the tag of the live performance, "The Dean Martin Experience."

Likes the case with the Timisoara, Romania Dino-concert, we woulda totally totally be in Dino-rapture if we coulda goes off to Stockholm to see this Dino-effort!  We salutes Miss Embla Sue Panova and all the pallies at "unidfferentiated Cinema TV" for spreadin' the news of this Dino-programme and for Miss Panova speakin' so proudly and powerfully of her aduation of our main man.  To checks this out in it's original source, as usual, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report.  Dino-raptured, DMP

 btw pallies, likes we are absolutely awed by Miis Panova's choice of Dino-vid to share....our Dino croonin' "It's A Marshmallow World" for a Bob  Hope Christmas is indeed one of our most fav of fav Dino-performances of all Dino-time!

See Dean Martin live (-ish)

Post by Embla Sue Panova March 19, 2015


When it comes to music , very few of my idols, I can see live. It's mostly because almost everyone is dead. It becomes easy so when your Spotify named "modern" features songs by Audio Bullys from 2003.

One of my biggest idols are anyway Dean Martin, a fairly difficult artist to get to Way Out West. And almost even harder're getting that time travel to Las Vegas on 50, 60s. But on the other hand, one can get the second best, namely, The Dean Martin Experience, at the Scala Theatre in Stockholm on 26 / 4-28 / 4, when they reunited to perform three gigs in connection with the band celebrates 20 years.

In my family, we are undoubtedly Team Dean. We have always said that Frank Sinatra is for amateurs, people who think they like swing / entertainment but not taken to the actual proceeds are not necessarily lies in taking perfect tone (and herself too seriously), but in charming ass off its audience. It could Dean. And it can also Niklas Sojde who shoulders the mantle as the man Elvis nicknamed the King of Cool. (Just the !!!)

(Yes, it was better before! Just look :)

In true Dean spirit enters his scene with a glass of whiskey (the dispute was the healthy Dean really was småfull on stage and in her own show, or if it was his gimmick. When he was at the end appeared with open fly there may have been a clue about how things were ...). And after that the band (made up of members who are all named "Frank") described by an intro checking his watch and asks how long he has been driving. Then, the evening started with a single long cavalcade of cruel hits (Sway, Things, That's Amore, You Belong To Me, Volare, etc.) and well-timed one-liners, often followed up by a small drum roll.

During our headline Extras, we can add up exactly what stage we feel like doing, so really I do not need to excuse the shameless advertising of Sweden's best live bands. But do you want to prompt a movie clutch, I think that Dean does well even on the silver screen, such as in movies like Grand Slam in Las Vegas and Rio Bravo.

Do not have an eye on Dean - or even worse: you think Frank Sinatra is the height of entertainment? Think again. And book tickets for the phase, closer Las Vegas in the 60s can not be accessed.

Written by Embla Sue Panova
Copywriter who loves zombie movies, superheroes and almost anything from the British Empire . Is basically grew up in a cinema , but has not been specifically refined taste of it. It thus makes it no texts about difficult thin films - if they do not come from Britain, of course!

Se Dean Martin live (-ish)!
Inlägg av Embla Sue Panova den 19 mars 2015 i

När det kommer till musik är det väldigt få av mina idoler jag kan se live. Det beror mest på att nästan alla är döda. Det blir ju lätt så när ens Spotifylista med namnet ”modernt” innehåller låtar med Audio Bullys från 2003.

En av mina största idoler är i alla fall Dean Martin, en hyfsat svår artist att få till Way out west. Och nästan ännu svårare är ju att få den där tidsresan till Las Vegas på 50, 60-talet. Men däremot kan man få second best, nämligen The Dean Martin Experience, på Scalateatern i Stockholm den 26/4-28/4, då de återförenas för att göra tre spelningar i samband med att bandet firar 20 år.

I min familj är vi tveklöst Team Dean. Vi har alltid sagt att Frank Sinatra är för amatörerna, folk som tror de gillar swing/entertainment men inte har fattat att den verkliga behållningen inte nödvändigtvis ligger i att ta perfekt ton (och sig själv på för stort allvar) utan i att charma häcken av sin publik. Det kunde Dean. Och det kan även Niklas Sojde som axlar manteln som mannen Elvis gav smeknamnet The king of cool. (Bara det!!!)

(Ja det var bättre förr! Kolla bara:)

I sann Dean-anda äntrar han scenen med ett glas whiskey (det tvistades ju friskt om Dean verkligen var småfull på scenen och i sin egen show eller om det var hans gimmick. När han på slutet uppträdde med öppen gylf kan det dock varit en ledtråd om hur det stod till…). Och efter att bandet (som består av medlemmar som alla heter ”Frank”) rivit av ett intro kollar han på klockan och frågar hur länge han har kört. Sedan är kvällen igång med en enda lång kavalkad av grymma hits (Sway, Things, That’s Amore, You Belong To Me, Volare osv) och vältajmade oneliners, inte sällan uppföljda av en liten trumvirvel.

Under vår rubrik Extramaterial kan vi ju lägga upp precis vad fasen vi har lust med, så egentligen behöver jag ju inte ursäkta denna skamlösa reklam för Sveriges bästa liveband. Men vill du prompt ha en filmkoppling så tycker jag att Dean gör sig väl även på vita duken, till exempel i filmer som Storslam i Las Vegas och Rio Bravo.

Har du ingen koll på Dean – eller ännu värre: du tror att Frank Sinatra är höjden av underhållning? Tänk igen. Och boka biljett för fasen, närmare Las Vegas på 60-talet går inte att komma.


  1. What a wonderful post my friend. Thank you once again for taking the time and effort to bring these wonderful stories our way - you should receive a medal. :-)


  2. Hey pallie, likes thanks for the wonderous words of appreciato Scotty, but of course, all the honor and praise goes to our Dino. Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
