Monday, March 02, 2015

Dean Martin and Love: I’m Somebody

Hey pallies, likes Dino-amore month may be officially past, but we can't help but keeps sharin' lotza love for our most beloved Dino here at ilovedinomartin.  So today we keeps the Dino-love flowin' with wonderfully wise words from the pen of a lovely lady who lives in Florida and tags herself "nananoyz." She describes her self as.... "I'm a semi-retired crazy person with one husband and two cats."

"nananoyz's" blog has the most unique tag, "Praying for Eyebrowz - Doing the best I can with what I have."  And, likes indeed she devotedly does what she can for the cause of our Dino.  Her post, "Dean Martin and Love: I’m Somebody," begins with the neatest of neat news that her "parents were huge Dean Martin fans," so she was sold out to our Dino at a very tender age....very very cool pallies!

As you read her wise and well chosen thoughts you will learn how she recently returned to her passion for Dino while doin' a youtube vid Dino-search.  We loves! loves! loves! readin' her touchin' and truth-filled  thoughts on our King of Cool...." His charm and good looks transcend the decades."

We leave it to all youse Dino-philes to ponder her personal observations on our Dino's cool croon, "You're Nobody Til Somebody Loves You" and how she came to know that indeed she is a somebody!

We thanks Miss "nananoyz" for pointin' her readership in the Dino-direction and showin' 'em how much one can learn from our Dino's teachin's as found in his marvelous music!  To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this  here Dino-report.  Dino-learnin', DMP

Dean Martin and Love: I’m Somebody

February 9, 2015 

My parents were huge Dean Martin fans, so I was introduced to the music and comedy of the handsome half of the famous Martin and Lewis comedy team early on.

I’d forgotten just how appealing Dean Martin was until I went on a hunt for one of his songs, “You’re Nobody ‘Til Somebody Loves You.” I hoped to find a You Tube video of him singing, so I could share it here for my Love Month theme, and I wasn’t disappointed. His charm and good looks transcend the decades.

Now the lyrics to this song always bothered me a little. I wasn’t a particularly lovable kid: taller than average, skinny, and bookish, not much to look at and even less to talk to, I was afraid, seriously afraid, that no one would ever love me. And if no one ever loved me, did that mean I was a nobody?

Then, in my typical analytical fashion I began to observe other people. There were some less attractive than me, and they’d found love. There were a few weirder than me, and they had someone. So maybe, just maybe there was hope for me.

Of course now I know I was always somebody. My parents loved me, Studly loves me, my kids and grand babies love me, but most importantly, I learned how to love myself.

Peace, Somebodies!


  1. What a nice read - it is always great to read about other people sharing what DM means to them. What a great find and post. Thank you for bringing this enjoyable blog as well as a great song our way.

    Have a safe and happy week.


  2. Hey pallie, likes Scotty-o, yes it is always always stunnin'ly special to share other's Dino-testimonies....we woulda loves to hear how you came to our Dino and made him your own. Thanks ever ever so much for all your wonderful faithfulness to patterin''re a true inspiration to Dino-holics everywhere. Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
