Sunday, March 15, 2015

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Pretty Baby"

Welcome back, Ol Pals O' Mine!
Are youse AN TI CI PATIN the comin' of Spring as much as me?! Only a few short days to go pals!

Don't let these teeny...tiny snowflakes throw youse off...Winter is just 'bout over!!!
 Snow mounds are meltin' & Icicles are drippin'!

Time to pack up the snow-blowers & pull out the lawn-mowers!! Haha!! OK OK...I might be jumpin' the gun here, pallies...just a little...but SO WHAT?! Hahaha!!! I gots the FEVER!!! Spring fever pals...nothin' contagious...Ha!

So...with Dino's warmin' flow & a gentle breeze in mind...I found myself diggin' on the classic 1957 al b um, "Pretty Baby", for today's Serenade. As a matter O facto...I even chose the title jam!
This cool cool tune is SURE to kick your wintery woes to the curb & swing in the NEW sunny season!
NEW is the key word here, pals...that's what Spring is ALL 'bout'!
We gots to wake up EVERY NEW Dino-lovin' day with a positive attitude & tackle WHATEVER comes our way! Believe me, pallies...I KNOW this isn't always easy. Life isn't easy. BUT...with Dean's "nothin' can stop me" vibe in mind & a great great Dino-jam flowin'...youse can conquer ANYTHIN' pals!!!

Man! I'm gettin' myself all PUMPED UP! Hahaha!
I better pour some vino & calm down a wee bit! I'm gonna blow a gasket! Haha!!

Oh, one little side note, pallies...I couldn't leave off without throwin' a heartfelt "Happy Anniversary" to my FAVE couple from days gone by...Liz & Dick! Woulda been 51 PASSION filled years today! Married or divorced...lovin' or fightin'...they had a TRUE bond that will never die! Here's to youse!

OK, mi amici...let's get to the croonin'! A little more snow outside WON'T stop a Dino-holic! WE made it!!!

Everybody loves a baby
That's why I'm in love with you
Pretty baby, pretty baby
And I'd like to be your sister
Brother, dad and mother too
Pretty baby, pretty baby
Won't you come and let me
Rock you in my cradle of love?
And we'll cuddle all the time
Oh, I want a lovin', baby
And it might as well be you
Pretty baby of mine
Everybody loves a baby
That's why I'm in love with you
Pretty baby, pretty baby
And I'd like to be your sister
Brother, dad and mother too
Pretty baby, pretty baby
Won't you come and let me
Rock you in my cradle of love?
And we'll cuddle all the time
Oh, I want a lovin', baby
And it might as well be you
Pretty baby of, pretty baby of
Pretty baby of mine


  1. There finally seems to be signs that winter mite be losing a grip on us here in New England finally. I hope so.

    What a wonderful listing DM song - this certainly picked up my spirits today.

    Have a great week.


  2. What woman wouldn't want our Dino to croon this tune to her?

  3. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, while spring fever may or may not be thin' we knows for sure....Dino-fever is contagious...and once you've caught it you are addicted likes for Dino-ever! Keeps lovin', keeps sharin' our most beloved Dino!

  4. YES Scott! I thinks' there is light at the end of this WINTERY tunnel! Glad the tune brightened your day, pal!
    Ms. AOW...I couldn't agree more!
    And speaketh the Dino-truth!!! Haha!!
