Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Random 2 Dean Martin

Hey pallies, likes you just never ever know where google's Dino-'lerts will send us next.  Likes yesterday afternoon when we arrived at our email pad we found a 'lert to goes on over to youtube and meet a nouveau hipster who tags himself "Mobster Adam".....a very very young Deanager indeed who put up a vid tagged "Random 2  Dean Martin."

The vid is of Deanager Adam totally totally groovin' on our most beloved Dino croonin' one of his coolest and classiest croons, "Ain' That A Kick In The Head."  Likes how radically refreshin' to see this up and comin' Dino-devotee grandly,  gloriously groovin' to that Dino-tune.....includin' Adam movin' his body and usin' drumsticks to keep the Dino-beat!

Viewin' yet 'nother of today's youth jivin' and jammin' on our main man brings the biggest Dino-buddha-grins to our faces and the greatest Dino-warmth to our hearts!   Likes as we know, our Dino loved puttin' the accent on youth, and likes when we find youth likes Adam puttin' the accent on our most beloved Dino we are likes blown 'way with absolutely awesome Dino-delight! We proclaims it the perfect post to share on this eighteenth day of Dino-amore month.  Clearly clearly pallies awesome Adam is deeply deeply diggin' our King of Cool, and likes how cool is that cats?!?!?!?!

We here at ilovedinomartin swankly salutes Deanager Adam and thanks him for superbly sharin' his absolute adulation of our most beloved Dino with the world!  Likes you may wanna checks out more of Adam's vids to gets acquainted better with him.  Yours In Dino, DMP

Random 2    Dean Martin

Mobster Adam


  1. What a great video and it is always a pleasure to see DM fans of all ages being touched by the legend himself. Thank you for bringing this gem out way my friend.

    Best always.

  2. Hey pallie, likes Scotty-o, how cool to see that youse too enjoys seein' this up and comin' Dino-devotee swingin' to the Dino-beat. Thanks ever so much for all your patterin' here at our humble little Dino-conclave...much appreciated our Dino-bro Scotty! Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
