Friday, February 27, 2015

.....pure music currently Dean Martin, giving it the right size in a concert which intends to become a classic -trend-setter.

Hey pallies, likes our 2015 celebration of Dino-amore month here at our humble little Dino-pad is almost at the end, but likes be assured pallies that truly truly each and everyday of each and every month of each and every year is a day of Dino-amore at ilovedinomartin....'cause we just can't ever gets 'nough of our most beloved Dino and we just can't ever give 'nough amore to our King of Cool.

On this twenty-seventh day of our cool celebration we gotta 'fess up that we had somethin' different in mind to share with all youse Dino-holics, but yesterday as we were doin' a twenty pages of google Dino-blog searchin' we we likes so so psyched to find yet 'nother piece of powerful prose accentin' the upcomin' tribute to our Dino in Timisoara, Romania.

Likes as youse knows we are always always so powerfully pumped when we come 'cross internationale awesome amore of our Dino, and likes we just helps ourself to keeps sharin' with all youse Dino-philes!  This third installment comes from the blog pad, "PENTRITIMISOARA.RO - TELEVISION CITIZEN" and is scribed by Miss Roxana Truscoaica.  It includes many of the cool comments featured in the other two posts includin' the powerfully perfect poster bein' used to advertize the Dino-event.   A very very cool Dino-graphic for Dino-sure!

We are thrilled to see so so much 'net publicity 'bout this Dino-concert and we salute Miss Roxana Truscoaica and alll lthe pallies at "PENTRITIMISOARA.RO - TELEVISION CITIZEN" for doin' their part to make this very very special Dino-event a huge huge success.  To checks this out in it's original source, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report.  Deeply Diggin' Dino, DMP

Dean Martin Tribute Concert in Timisoara

dean martin.jpg

Sunday, March 8, 18:00, Hall Baroque Art Museum Timişoara, Timişoara have the opportunity to see a range of genres, from Big Band to easy listening pop sound will pass through traditional, stationary for several minutes vocal jazz swing with the acquis final destination.

Vadim Cruşcov - vocals, Horia Fagarasanu - piano, Johnny Bota - bass, Zsolt Szabó Csongor-- percussion are those who bring in terms of pure music currently Dean Martin, giving it the right size in a concert which intends to become a classic -trend-setter.

"Everybody Loves Somebody" event staged by the four musicians is designed to give smiles, add harmonies to each of us is the best mărţişor of all nostalgia for those old times and beyond - a souvenir given further or to wear them until next reunion.

In a frame tale and told, Sunday we keep to hug thought on "That's Amore" bliss in rates Sway unleashed energy at the meeting with Miss of "Buona Sera Signorina" miss new experiences with "Send Me The Pillow That You Dream On."

Tickets are available in Carturesti (Mercy Street and Iulius Mall). The ticket price is 25 lei.

Concert tribut Dean Martin la Timişoara

8 martieconcertdean martinlibrăriile cărturești„Everybody Loves Somebody”

Duminică, 8 martie, ora 18:00, în Sala Barocă a Muzeului de Artă Timişoara, timișorenii au ocazia să vadă o serie de genuri muzicale, de la Big Band la Easy Listening sunetele vor  trece prin traditional pop, staţionând preţ de câteva minute la vocal jazz având ca destinaţie finală swing-ul.
Vadim Cruşcov – voce, Horia Făgărășanu – pian, Johnny Bota – contrabas, Szabó Csongor-Zsolt – percuţie sunt cei care aduc în planul prezent muzica pură a lui Dean Martin, dându-i dimensiunea potrivită într-un concert care intenționează să devină un classic-trend-setter.
„Everybody Loves Somebody”, evenimentul pus la cale de cei patru muzicieni este menit să ofere zâmbete largi, să adauge armonii fiecăruia dintre noi, este cel mai bun mărţişor dintre toate pentru cei cu nostalgia vremurilor de demult şi nu numai – un suvenir de dat mai departe sau de purtat cu ei până la reîntâlnirile viitoare.
Într-un cadru de poveste şi de povestit, ziua de duminică o păstrăm pentru îmbrăţisări în gând pe „That’s Amore”, uitare de sine în ritmuri de Sway, declanşat energie la întâlnirea cu domnişoara din „Buona Sera Signorina”, dor de experienţe noi cu „Send Me The Pillow That You Dream On.”

Biletele se găsesc în librăriile Cărtureşti (strada Mercy şi Iulius Mall). Preţul unui bilet este de 25 de lei.

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