Thursday, February 12, 2015

Pallie Jesse Showin' True Dino-palliedom: Dean Martin as Matt Helm in cutaway Mercury wagon.

Hey pallies, likes we almost always begins each bit of Dino-devotion with a greetin' to all our Dino's's a term that our most beloved Dino coined to refer to that special relationship he had with  those he surrounded himself with.  Indeed all who loves our Dino sharin' in that special gift of bein' pallie to each other.

A number of years ago here at ilovedinomartin we coined the Dino-phrase Dino-palliedom which refers to not only one who loves our Dino, but to those special few who takes the time to show special qualities to each other such as lovin' respect and appreciation that our Dino shows to his pallies.  Dino-palliedom is a very special quality of relationship that one Dino-holic may have for 'nother.

Today, on this twelfth day of Dino-amore month we wanna highlight one of our most devoted pallies, who not only is deeply deeply devoted to our Dino, but has also exhibited amazin' appreciato for our work at ilovedinomartin.  His tag is Jesse and he hangs his hat at his beau-ti-ful blog "Just A Car Guy" which you can access by clickin' on the tag of this here Dino-gram.

Jesse has not only showed his devotion to our most beloved Dino by postin' an amazin' assortment of car related Dino-posts at his blog, but he every so often sends an epistle our way puttin' us on to  some special Dino-devotion that he has found that he wants to make sure we knows 'bout....that pallies is showin' deep, pure, and true Dino-palliedom!  Jesse is the kind of pallie who just doesn't hang 'round at ilovedinomartin for what we can provide for him for his Dino-cravin's.  Jesse also wants to do his best to support this little Dino-blog and show us some love by sharin' his Dino-finds with us.

Below is the kindest of kind Dino-note that we received by email yesterday along with an attachment to the delightful Dino-pix also below.  One that we have to 'fess up that we have seen before, but  not for a long long time and we ain't sure that we have ever shared it before here at our Dino-waterin' hole.  In this great great month of amorin' our Dino, it is amazin'ly awesome to be able to highlight on our our most lovin' of lovin' pallies Jesse and thank him ever so much for his truest of true exhibition of the purest of pure Dino-palliedom!   With the deepest of deep Dino-appreciato, DMP

Hello! Ya wonderful friend to Dean Martin fans!

Here's one you might not have seen, Dean Martin as Matt Helm in cutaway Mercury wagon. From "The Silencers"   attached

Hope you are doing well, in health and spirit. I was watching some of the Dean Martin Celebrity Roasts and enjoying them so much... great cast and crew on those specials


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