Monday, February 09, 2015

If Dean Martin Was A Cat

Hey pallies, likes we simply never ever know who, what, when, where or how our Dino will be loved on next.  Likes today on this ninth day of Dino-amore month, our pallies at google Dino-blog search led us to  a beaut of a blog tagged, "The Droll Spectator - Spanning The Globe Seeking The Silly." where the unknown blogger posted "If Dean Martin Was A Cat."  Likes we gotta 'fess up that we were most intrigued by what we woulda finds there.

Well as you can see below "The Droll Spectator" has shared a gif of a cat in a tux that seems a bit tipsy.  Likes we ain't gots a clue as to who created this gif, but likes we thinks it is completely cool of this blogger to have thought 'bout our most beloved Dino when he saw it.  We thinks our Dino woulda gets a huge buddhagrin outta seein' himself in league with this cool cool cat!

Now likes ain't this one of the most unusual ways of amorin' our Dino that youse have ever seen?!?!?!
Likes when we saw the gif, we couldn't help buts likes thinks of our King of Cool's musical parody of "When You're Smilin'"........"When  You're Drinkin'."  So, so likes we just had to hop over to youtube and see if we coulda finds a Dino-ver-si-on to shares with all youse Dino-addicts.  And, likes perfecto, we can 'pon  a clip from the 1988 "Together Again Tour"  in Oakland, California where we gets to see our Dino in all his glory doin' his drinkin' routine.

We thanks the blogger at ""The Droll Spectator - Spanning The Globe Seeking The Silly."  who so wisely paired the silly cat gif with name of our most beloved Dino and creatin' a fun fun amorin' post of our Dino!   Dino-delightedly, DMP

If Dean Martin Was A Cat

Dean Martin - When You're Drinking (Bourbon From Heaven)

Oakland, California 1988 (Together Again Tour)


  1. Perfect gif for a Dino lover who is also a cat lover -- as I am.

  2. Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW, then we are even more pleased to have shared this durin' our Dino-amore month celebration of offerin's of amore to our most beloved Dino! Keeps lovin' our main man!

  3. Haha! Poor kitty! Too much cat nip??? Good one!

  4. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, likes good one for you dude...."Too much cat nip???" Thinks our Dino woulda loves your funny! Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
