Sunday, February 15, 2015

Danny G's Special Dino-Amore Month Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Just In Time"

 Hey pals! Hope EVERYBODY had a COOL COOL & FAN TAS TI CO Dino-Amore Day, just like I did!
Hate to see it go? too.
BUT WAIT!...Guess what, pallies?!...IT AIN'T OVER YET!!! Haha!!
We only HALF-WAY through Dino-Amore Month & there's PLENTY more LOVE to spread!!! Haha YEA!!!

 Let's keep that ROMANTICO vibe goin' with today's Serenade, pals!!! I know EXACTLY what tune we need!

About 2 years ago...I seen a flick that REALLY inspired me in the ways of L.O.V.E. Ha!
"Liz & Dick" tells 'bout the passionate & excitin' relationship between Elizabeth Taylor & Richard Burton...& Man o man...WERE THESE TWO PASSIONATE & EXCITIN'!!!

 Now pals...let me tell ya'...if youse lookin' for a FUN FUN movie to REALLY gets that DINO-AMORE groove groovin'...look no further! These two KNEW how to live & KNEW how to love!

Now checks this out, pallies...
Guess who's SWOONIN' kinda croon  the producers chose to open the flick?!..That's right, ol' pals o mine...our DINO! Who else?!

"Just In Time" was the PERFECTO song to express Richard's love for his Elizabeth & is the PERFECTO tune to keep this month jumpin'!

 Now I gots to confess, mi amici...I have shared this number before...but...IT'S JUST SO SO GREAT...I couldn't resist sharin' one more time! I'm SURE youse won't mind,'s PURE PURE PER FEC TION!!!

OK...let's gets the Dino flowin'!

Ladies & gentleman...please from the bar....DEAN MARTIN!!! Enjoy!!!

Just in time, I found you just in time
Before you came my time was running low
I was lost, the losing dice were tossed
My bridges all were crossed, no where to go
Now you're here, now I know just where I'm going
No more doubt or fears I've found my way
For love came just in time
You found me just in time
And changed my lonely life that lucky day
Now you're here, now I know just where I'm going
No more doubt or fears I've found my way
For love came just in time
You found me just in time
And changed my lonely life that lucky day


  1. Great tune!

    And nobody ever sang it better than our Dino did!

  2. What a great song to sit back and enjoy and a cold and snowy day.

    Thank you for bringing this our way my friend.

    Have a great upcoming week.


  3. I couldn't agree more pals! And as always... My pleasure!
