Saturday, January 24, 2015

Timmy As Dean Martin

Hey pallies, likes for some reason, likes we just couldn't resist sharin' this shortest of short Dino-emulation with all youse Dino-addicted pallies.  When we opened our email 'count this day we had a google Dino-lert that led us to the vid clip below that has just been posted at youtube of a pallie tagged Timmy croonin' a few bars (less then 10 seconds worth) of that Dino-standard, "You're Nobody Till Somebody Loves You."

Well, we gotta sez that Timmy ain't likely to make the big time as a Dino-impersonator, but we gives him huge huge kudos for proudly, publicly sharin' his profuse  passion for our most beloved Dino! On any given night, it makes us pause to reflections on the tons and tons of pallies 'round the globe who go to their local waterin' holes and picks up a mike and sings themselves some Dino.  Truly, truly this is one of the coolest ways that the Dino-legacy is bein' spread one pallie at a time croonin' a Dino-tune.

We thanks a dude tagged James Simon who captured Timmy on vid and posted it for all the world to see on youtube, and to Timmy himself for choosin' to croon a Dino-tune.  And, likes of course, we needs to share our most belove Dino singin' his stunnin'ly stellar ver-si-on from t he Dino-show.  Likes we digs this particular edition so so much, 'cause our Dino is havin' so so  much fun singin' it in the most playful of playful Dino-ways as he works his Dino-magic with the lyrics.  Dino-delightedly, DMP


  1. Our Dino must have loved that song. He recorded it at least twice and performed it many times.

  2. It really is a treat to see things like this. Thank you for bringing this our way my friend.

    Have a safe and happy week!


  3. Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW, we are certain you are we sez, we really digs how much our Dino enjoys croonin' this tune on the clip from the Dino-show...purely truly Dino-perfection! Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!

  4. Hey pallie, likes Scotty-o we are always always appreciative of your amazin' Dino-support! Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
