Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Study The Master: How to Flirt, The Dean Martin Way

Hey pallies, likes while google blog searchin' we happened 'pon a post scribed nearly 7 years 'go, but likes we couldn't resist sharin' it today 'cause we simply grooves on the tag of the post, "Study The Master: How to Flirt, The Dean Martin Way."  It's from a blog called "PullJoy - Secrets of a Pickup Artist" where a guy tagged "Smooth Talker" holds forth.

Smooth Talker uses a bit of patter and a couple of youtube Dino-vids to make his perfectly powerful  point, but likes when we clicks on the links to the vids they no longer existed at youtube.  We thinks that we have found the vid of the Dino and Lainie Kazan duet mentioned and share it here.

There were no clues given as to the original second vid, but likes when we think of our Dino as the master of flirtin' on the Dino-show, we think of his musical numbers with Miss Petula Clark, 'cause we are always always  awestruck by the chemistry that our Dino and Miss Pet have.  So, we share really  what we thinks is the hottest of hot medley that our Dino and Miss Clark ever shared, where indeed our Dino proves himself flirter extraordinaire!

We thanks Smooth Talker for accentin' our Dino's talent for flirtin' at his blog and likes only wishes that we had shared his wondrously wise words before.  To share this in it's original format, simply clicks on the openin' words of this Dino-gram.   Dino-psyched, DMP

Study The Master: How to Flirt, The Dean Martin Way

Posted on July 27, 2008

Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin were quite different in their flirtatious film roles. Dean used more one-liners, having broken into the business as a comic partner of Jerry Lewis. He was also more of a hot flirt, Sinatra played it cool. PullJoy is about finding your own inner mack and working it- no two men are alike. Dig Dino in this duet with late ’60’s hottie Lainie Kazan:

Ol’ Blue Eyes would’ve played it totally different- yet still been sexy. Both Rat Packers- when Dean fed a singer or actress a line it seemed more for the amusement of the audience, whereas The Chairman of the Board limited his babe banter to specific characters. For him, the singing always came first. Truth is, either hot or cool can work, depending on who you are.

More Dean:

Keep it funny, sexy, and original. Smile- it takes the edge off. Hot or cold, tone, touch and teasing get you to Panty Place.



  1. Nobody but nobody could flirt as well as our Dino. He cast a magic spell with his eyes and his infectious smile. Not to mention his voice!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Matty-o long time no hear....we glads to know you are still hangin' with us dude! Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!

  3. Hey pallie, likes how truly true Miss AOW....our Dino's flirtin' trio...the eyes, the smile, and croonin'! Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
