Friday, January 02, 2015

I remember Dean Martin

DM at 75
Hey pallies, likes Happy New Dino-year to Dino-holics everywhere!  Likes we are totally totally psyched to be beginnin' a brand spankin' new year of liftin' up the life, the times, and the teachin's of our most beloved Dino to encourage deeper, purer, and truer devotion to our King of Cool 'mong pallies of all types and stripes, all ages and stages.

Likes today we gets youse in the Dino-mood with a powerfully potent post from our sold-out-to-Dino Malaysian pallie Mr.  Mohd. Kamal bin Abdullah who resides in Kota Kinabalu, Sabath.  This Dino-diggin' pallie blogs at "Malaysians Must Know the TRUTH" (clicks on tag of this Dino-gram to goes there,)

Mr.  Mohd. Kamal bin Abdullah also goes by the tag "Din Merican" as you will note he signs off as in the epistle below.  He also scribes at the blog "DIN MERICAN: THE MALAYSIAN DJ BLOGGER (''   Long time readers of ilovedinomartin will remember that we have shared a number of Dino-honorin' posts by "Din Merican" before, and we are totally totally  thrilled to do so 'gain this very Dino-day.

We loves likes how devotion to our Dino knows no age stage, type or stripe boundaries and Din's post is an excellent example of that, as he speaketh  the TRUTH to his fellow Malaysians....."I remember Dean Martin" sayin' "I thought it is appropriate for me to present the man with a golden voice. Here he is for your listening pleasure."

Merican shares a great great pose of our Dino from a recent al-b-um cover of our Dino's wintery songs and a youtube vid that shares almost 50 minutes of glorious Dino classic croons from "DINO - THE ESSENTIAL DEAN MARTIN."  Truly truly this is a great great way to ring in a new Dino-year!

We thanks Mr. Din Merican for so boldly boastin' and publicly proclaimin' is adulation for our most beloved Dino.  Thanks Din for sharin' the Dino-truth with your readership!   Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP


I remember Dean Martin

I remember Dean Martin who passed on December 25, 1995. I was able to visit his grave site with my wife, Dr. Kamsiah,  and my friend in Los Angeles, Orang Malaya in 2011. I also met for the first time my dear sparring partner, Dr. M. Bakri Musa and his wife Karen Musa. I thought it is appropriate for me to present the man with a golden voice. Here he is for your listening pleasure.–Din Merican

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