Sunday, January 04, 2015

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Open Up The Door & Let The Good Times In"

Happy Dino-Year 2015!!! Yes pallies...we made it!

What a whirlwind it's been though!!! I'm not even sure what DAY it is...never mind the year!
Thins' have been so crazy durin' these last few Mondays seem like Fridays & Wednesdays are like Saturdays!!!
 Man! Hopes I'm not writin' Danny G's THURSDAY Serenade with Dino!!! Hahaha!
 Not that that would be a bad thin', pals. Matter o' fact...might be a GREAT idea!!! Haha!!!

Anyway, either way...we made it! Dean lead us through the thick & thin of 2014 & I'm POS I TIVE he will be swingin' us into the BEST year yet!

 Now pals...I thought for SURE that I shared my little New Years tradition with all youse cool cool Dino-philes before...BUT...I can't seem to find it in any old posts.
SO...just in it is. Actually this was somethin' my Nana G. would do with my bro & I on New Years Eve, while Mom & Pop were out dancin' & celebratin'.
 Soon as the BALL fell...soon as Midnight struck...she would lead us to the front door... & open it up...lettin' the old year out...& the new year in! Haha!  We got such a KICK outta this yearly routine as kids, that I STILL do it to this very day with my mini Dino-holics! Haha!

 Nana was such a SWEET & FUN lady! My earliest memories of Dean were actually with her & I wathchin' Martin & Lewis flicks in her parlor.
Yes sir pallies...that's where it ALL began!

Well, mi amici...for this week's Serenade...I found the PER FEC TO tune to ring in the new Dino-Year & carry on my funny little tradition. "Open Up The Door & Let The Good Times In", is the EXACTO message Nana was tryin' to instill in our young & Dino-thirstin' minds, pals.
Let your old worries go...leave them in the past. Enjoy life from today goin' forward.
Dean spreads the same vibe to me now & EVERYDAY!

Let's make this a GREAT year pallies! Dino's at our side & he's leadin' the way!

OK ol' pals o' mine...let's raise a glass to 2015, tradition & to good times to come! Oh...& OF COURSE to our bestest pallie, Dino!
This one's with you in mind, Nana! Enjoy!!!   

 I woke up this morning
Toes out of my shoes
Cold north winds a howlin'
Bringing me the blues
I said "Blues, good morning"
I don't want to fight
'Scuse me while I have a smoke
If I can't find a light
Open up the door and let the good times in
Don't let nothing stand in your way
Just open up the door and let the good times in
Tomorrow's gonna be better than today

I went to that cupboard
Found the cupboard bare
What happened to that sip of wine
I had hidden there
Over in the corner a little mouse laid on his side
He was wearing such a grin
I thought the mouse had died
Open up the door and let the good times in
Don't let anything stand in your way
Just open up the door and let the good times in
Tomorrow's gonna be a better day

I won't call my baby
When she got to the phone
I kinda had a little feeling
My baby was not alone
She said "Daddy, I'm busy
Call some other time"
I don't need that woman but I sure could use that dime
Open up the door and let the good times in
Don't let anything stand in your way
Open up the door and let the good times in
Tomorrow's gonna be a better day
Tomorrow's gonna be a better day
Tomorrow's gonna be a better day