Thursday, January 08, 2015

“any actor who opens a restaurant should have his head examined.” dean martin, of dino’s on the sunset strip

Hey pallies, likes we ain't gots a clue why some Dino-devotion pops up on google blog search long after it has been originally posted, but such is the case this very Dino-day.  Today we return to the beau-ti-ful blog of Miss Vickie Lester, "BEGUILING HOLLYWOOD, where in the past we posted a fab post by Lester 'bout our Dino and Miss Marilyn Monroe.

Today's Dino-focus is a pix and prose essay accentin' our Dino's venture in bein' restauranter of "Dino's Lodge" that  appeared at Miss Vickie's venture on December 29, 2014.  Likes we deeply deeply digs that wisest of wise Dino-quotation that begins Vickie's scribin's....."“any actor who opens a restaurant should have his head examined.”  Ain' that just likes our Dino to share his honest to goodness life experience with all his followers!

Cool of Lester to reference Mr. Kliph Nesteroff massive missive on this topic, "The Rise and Fall of Dino’s Lodge by Kliph Nesteroff – WFMU’s Beware of the Blog," which has been shared here previously and truly truly worthy of any Dino-holic's Dino-edification.

Likes we thanks Miss Vickie Lester for sharin' 'nother important episode in the life, times, and teachin's of our Dino....truly truly addin' to our Dino-knowledge.  To checks this out in  it's original format, simply simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram.  Growin' in Dino-knowledge, DMP

“any actor who opens a restaurant should have his head examined.” dean martin, of dino’s on the sunset strip

 Once upon a time the King of Cool, otherwise known as Dean Martin, was a partner in a restaurant on the Sunset Strip. 
Dean at Dino's
The restaurant was a hit in the 1950s and his friends had credit there:
By the 1960s Dean and his partners had been to court and Dean said, “Any actor who opens a restaurant should have his head examined” – the partnership was dissolved.
This is a menu from the 1950s:
dino's lodge.
dino's menu

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