Thursday, December 04, 2014

Send Some Dino-wintery Wishes

Hey pallies, likes on this fourth day of Dino-winter month, ilovedinomartin shares with youse some delightful  Dino-seasonal ecard possibilities courtesy of the dudes at German Dino-devotional site.  Likes  gotta 'fess up that we ain't sure if this pad is still functional, but it's worth givin' the ol' Dino-try.

We've shared this link and some cool Dino-seasonal graphics  for a few years now, but likes usually much later in the Dino-season.  This year we vowed to get this reminder to all yous  Dino-philes much  much earlier so you can use 'em for all your Dino-seasonal greetin's through out this special special month of Dino-devotion.

ilovedinomartin thanks the dudes at for creatin' these and many other Dino-decorative images for other seasons as well. To checks this out in the original format, simply clicks on the tag of these Dino-thoughts. Keeps lovin', keeps sharin' our most beloved Dino! Dino-absorbed, DMP


  1. Our Dino and Christmas -- the perfect combination.

    I'll have mine with egg nog and brandy.

  2. Hey pallie, so so true Miss AOW,,we are wishin' you and Mr. AOW the bestest of the best Dino-seasonal wishes. Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
