Thursday, December 18, 2014

100. Dean Martin – ‘Marshmallow World’

Hey pallies, likes when we opened up our email this very mornin' we found an epistle from our great Dino-devoted pallie Miss AOW 'lertin' us that she found a Dino-sitin' at her local radio station, 103.5 FM WTOP in Washington D.C.  As you will see below, WTOP's  Mr, Jason Fraley is countin' down the "Top 100 Christmas Songs Of All Time" and his is beginnin' with none other then our Dino's croonin' of the Dino-seasonal fav, "Marshmallow World."

Now, likes we gotta 'fess up that we always always are thrilled to see our most beloved Dino bein' shared, but truly truly we believe deeply in our Dino-heart that "Marshmallow World" oughta certainly be higher on this list then 100.  We are goin' to need to follow this series, 'cause certainly other Dino-croons likes "Let It Snow!" will appear closer to numero uno....indeed as all youse Dino-philes will remember said Dino-wintery tune was numero uno last year!

We thanks Miss AOW for sharin' this Dino-sitin' with all use Dino-holics and wishes her and Miss AOW the bestest of bestest Dino-wintery times even in our deep deep sadness of rememberin' our Dino's departure from our presence on December 25, 1995.  To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram.   Dino-sharin', DMP

The Top 100 Christmas Songs of All-Time

The holidays are the great equalizer, connecting all genres and generations of music. What other time of year can you hear Bing Crosby back to back with Run DMC, Gene Autry, Bruce Springsteen and Mariah Carey? WTOP’s Jason Fraley counts down the Top 100 Christmas Songs of All Time.

 100. Dean Martin – ‘Marshmallow World’


  1. DMP,
    Thanks for posting this. What with the holiday preparations and all, I didn't have time to compose a post to send to you.

    Our Dino's songs should all be at the top of the songs' list!

  2. Hey pallie, likes no problemo Miss AOW...indeed who else is cool 'nough to top wintery tune season?! No one is the hue and cry of all true turned-on-to-Dino Dino-holics! Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
