Thursday, December 11, 2014

Dino-seasonal vid creativity from Mr. James Kelsey

james kelsey

Hey pallies, likes his tag is Mr. James Kelsey and his game is creatin' some Dino-wintery fun via a couple of youtube vid creations.   Kelsey has created a Santa Dino likeness drawin that somehow someway he has very very simply animated to croon some Dino-seasonal tunes.  While the likeness ain't bad, the croonin' ain't much likes our Dino's glorious vocals...but we gotta 'fess up that it is very very funny.

The first vid, "dean martin sings about christmas" features "All I Want For Christmas," "I'll Be Home For Christmas" and a wee bit of "Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime."  The second vid "rudolph the red nosed reindeer. dean martin" accents, of course, Dino singin' 'bout Rudy the Reindeer" and to our hears sounds much more likes our most beloved Dino then in the first vid.

ilovedinomartin salutes Mr. James Kelsey for usin' some of his cool creativity to gives us some Dino-wintery fun!   Dino-funnin', DMP


dean martin sings about christmas

 rudolph the red nosed reindeer. dean martin


  1. What a nice job Mr Kelsey did and thank you for brining it our way!


  2. Hey pallie, likes you are most welcome Scotty dude, and indeed Kelsey musta had great fun makin' this fun Dino-vid for all us Dino-holics to groove on. Keeps lovin', keeps sharin' our most beloved Dino!
