Monday, December 15, 2014

Dean Martin Christmas Special 1980

Hey pallies, likes in the midst of all the hustle and bustle of Dino-winter-month, likes what coulda be better then to takes a long pause from all the busyness of the season and relax with our most beloved Dino.  Likes today we shares with you via the internet magic of Daily motion the "Dean Martin Christmas Special 1980.

Our most beloved Dino has the most swingin' of times with his guest stars Mr. Andy Gibb, Miss Beverly Stills, Mr. Erik Estrada, and Mr. Mel Tillis.  It's wonderful to see our Dino interactin' with each of these marvelous stars, and as usual havin' such a wonderful starts  some relaxin' with our Dino and his guests.  Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP

Andy Gibb on Dean Martin Christmas Special 1980... by Maripinky

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