Sunday, December 28, 2014

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: Out In The Cold Again"

Well pallies...I'm lookin' out my window...& the snows is snowin'...& the winds is blowin'. Seems to be a fittin' end to Dino-Winter month 2014...& the year itself.

We had some ups...had some downs. All in all was a good Dino-filled year!
 It's a simple Dino-equation really. Youse take the GREAT GREAT times...subtract the low low times...& what youse is left with is...well...LIFE.

That's it pals. It's just that easy. Man, Dean's been tellin' us this ALL year long!
 Hope youse been payin' attention, pallies! Haha! No worries...Dean's wisdom is yours for the takin'! Gonna be spreadin' even MORE of the Dino-message in 2015!

OK pals...for the LAST Sunday Serenade of this TOTALLY Dino-filled year...I wanted to go out with a SMOOTH & GENTLE, Wintery croon. "Out In The Cold Again" fits the bill! It's DEF I NATE LY smooth...& it's DEF I NATE LY gentle!

It's just Dean. What more could youse want? What more can I say? That's it, pals. Keep it simple. That's how Dino liked it. No fuss. Just be yourself & have fun.
Live & let live. Buy someone a drink. Share your last smoke. We ALL in this together, pallies. Just stay cool & BE cool to others.

 Oh, & one last thin' pallies... don't take yourself too serious, huh...Dean LOVED to make us laugh!...keep LAUGHIN!!! See youse next year!!!

The song that you sang so sweetly
You called it our love refrain
It's gone and I'm left completely
Out in the cold again
I dreamed that our love would linger
But just memories remain
As I gaze at that ringless finger
Out in the cold again
True it hurts my pride
To step aside for somebody new
But deep down inside
My whole world depended on you
I wanted your arms around me
To shelter me from the rain
But now I'm back where you found me
Out in the cold again
True it hurts my pride
To step aside for somebody new
But deep down inside
My whole world depended on you
I wanted your arms around me
To shelter me from the rain
But now I'm back where you found me
Out in the cold again, out in the cold


  1. What a way to end 2014 with a wonderful song from Dino!

    Thank you Danny G for all your hard work this past year even though i was not always around to enjoy it i still kept it in my heart.

    I hope and pray that 2015 is a better year for me and wish nothing but the best for you and every other Dino fan as well!

    Best always


  2. Thank you pal! Truly appreciate your comments! I had some ups & downs as well my friend. Just follow the Dino-light & stay positive! 2015 will be our bestest year yet!

  3. Hey pallie, likes Danny-0 what a great great choice of smoothest of smooth Dino-croons to end not only our Dino-winter-month tribute, but indeed the whole Dino-year with. Thanks for your many many efforts in spreadin' the Dino-word this past year, 'specially with your Danny G.'s Sunday Serenade with Dino. Lookin' forward to many many great Dino-times in 2015. And, likes 'bove else, keeps lovin' our most most beloved Dino!

  4. Thanks pal! Pleasure is TRULY all mine! Happy Dino-year!!! Can't wait to gets the ball rollin' in 2015!!!
