Tuesday, December 09, 2014

All I Want Is DINO: Memories Are Made Of This Vintage Sheet Music from 1955

Hey pallies, likes we's got proof positive that Dino-giftin' durin' this Dino-winter-month ain't gotta breaks the bank dudes!  We've been doin' a good deal of searchin'  for Dino-deals 'round the ol' 'net.
Recently we were drawn to the pad Etsy where when you type the name of our most beloved Dino into their search space literally hundreds of Dino-treasures appear for our  viewin' and purchasin' Dino-pleasure.

Likes today we share with you one of the items that we have added to our Dino-wish list, and we thinks it is a real steal of a deal.  From the pad "PaperSymphony" comes the Etsy listin' of the "Vintage Sheet Music from 1955" of one of our great great man's greatest croons ever, "Memories Are Made Of This."

While we indeed loves this chart toppin' song so very very much, we gotta 'fess up that what we are most smitten by in this very very vintage item is the Dino-pose that graces the cover of this sheet music.....the exact Dino-likeness that has graced the hope page of our humble little Dino-blog, ilovedinomartin from day one of our existence.

While it will always always be impossible to name our most fav Dino-pose ever, this particular Dino-shot has always always been huge in our Dino-delight.  We have never (yet!)  been able to trace the origins of what we consider to be the most Dino-buddha-like image ever, so likes if any of youse Dino-philes out there know the history of this most glorious of glorious Dino-poses, please do let us know!

And likes the best part of this Dino-treasure is that the folks at "PaperSymphony" are only askin' a mere five bucks for this historic piece of sheet music....makin' it truly a vintage value in our Dino-book.  In fact, we probably ain't gonna wait for some one to gift us with this 'cause there is only one copy 'vailable and we can't wait to gets it into our hot little Dino-hands!  So, likes we are most most likely to gift ourselves with this beaut of a Dino-find.  To checks this out in it's original source, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram.  Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP


Memories Are Made Of This Vintage Sheet Music from 1955
 $5.00 USD
Only 1 available

Memories Are Made Of This Vintage Sheet Music from 1955

Song Title: Memories Are Made Of This
On the Cover: Dean Martin
Written by: Terry Gilkyson, Rich Dehr and Frank Miller
Copyright: 1955, Montclare Music, Corp
Number of Pages: Folded front and back cover 
Condition: Good, age related wear.

Size: 9” x 12”

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