Friday, November 14, 2014

Rat Pack Dean Martin Undead


Hey pallies, likes y'knows that likes we never ever knows what sorta Dino-devotion will comes our way next!   Courtesy of a google Dino-'lert we were directed to Youtube where a vid has been posted of   "Rat Pack Dean Martin Undead."  Likes it's a live vid of a trio of singers emulatin' our most beloved Dino, Frank, and Sammy on of all days Halloween, of course we sez Dino-ween 'round these parts.

A dude tagged Mr.  Johnny Blaze Leavitt plays our King of Cool as a zombie no less in a club in Atlantic City.  The ohe vid Leavitt croons a parody ver-si-on of "Ain't That A Kick In The Head'
which is very very funny pallies!  And, likes with the real Pack, the guys playin' Frank and Sammy
banter back and forth with him and in it is all done Halloween style.

We thanks a Miss Monica Blaze Leavitt (probably Johnny's significant other) for postin' this for all use Dino-philes to enjoys.  Likes we sez, you just never ever know how our Dino is goin' to be homaged stay tuned for swingin' Dino-finds!   Dino-funnin', DMP

Rat Pack Dean Martin Undead

 Johnny Blaze Leavitt in the Rat Pack Dean as Zombie Dean Martin on Halloween in Atlantic City!


  1. Haha love this! Musta been a blast to see!

  2. What a wonderful fun song - thank you for bringing this gem our way!

    Have a happy holiday week.


  3. Hey pallie, likes glads you digs it Danny-o and indeed " Musta been a blast to see!" Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!

  4. Hey pallie, likes Scotty, glads you digs it as well Scotty-o...very very fun indeed. Been waitin' to see some more Dino-devotion from you pallie. Keeps lovin',keeps sharin' our most beloved Dino!
