Thursday, November 06, 2014

“Dean and Frank used to come on the set and throw spitballs......"

Hey pallies, likes sometimes google Dino-lerts likes send us such magic our way.  Case in point, yesterday a couple of Dino-'lerts shared this stunnin' story of our most beloved Dino has his bestest of best pallie Frank Sinatra havin' some fun with Miss Shirley MacLaine,  We have chosen to share this great great bit of Dino-fun from the on-line blog for The Seattle Times.

From the pen of staff writer Miss  Moira Macdonald comes the post "Old Hollywood story of the day" that shares how our Dino and Mr. Sinatra in 1961 came onto the set of the filmin' of the dramatic classic play "The Children's Hour."  And what did these two guys do.....accordin' to Miss Shirley, they would "throw spitballs in a very dramatic scene that Audrey Hepburn and I were doing.”   Shirley even noted that "there is one that is actually in the film."

Likes now doesn't that bit of Dino-history likes just brings the biggest of big Dino-buddha-grins to all youse Dino-holic's faces?!?!?!?  It is always always so so refreshin' to hear more and more great stories from the life and times of our King of Cool.  We thank Miss Shirley MacLaine for recently makin' this story public and for Miss Macdonald for pickin' it up to share with her readership, and thus we can share it with youse.  To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report.  Dino-funnin', DMP

November 5, 2014 at 1:47 PM

Old Hollywood story of the day

Posted by Moira Macdonald

OK, so I just liked this story. Shirley MacLaine, who became friends with Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin while making “Some Came Running” in 1958, shared an anecdote this week in an interview with the Los Angeles Times:

. . . Sinatra and Martin weren’t above pulling pranks on MacLaine, especially during the filming of William Wyler’s 1961 drama “The Children’s Hour.”

“Dean and Frank used to come on the set and throw spitballs in a very dramatic scene that Audrey Hepburn and I were doing,” MacLaine recalled recently. “They knew how to throw the spitballs without catching the light. There is one that is actually in the film.”

Kind of makes you want to go re-watch “The Children’s Hour,” doesn’t it?


  1. Haha! Great story! Classic Dino!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, likes completely crazy classic Dino! Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
