Monday, October 06, 2014

Quick & Dirty: Orange Goblin Vocalist Ben Ward Talks Guilty Pleasures, Dean Martin, and Vampires

Dean Martin

Hey pallies, likes today's Dino-devotion is 'bout as short and as sweet as they come dudes...and likes it covers two of our favorite Dino-topics here at our little Dino-conclave.  We are always diggin' bein' able to share with youse Dino-philes more and more Dino-adulation of the internationale stripe, and likes we are also always always diggin' bein' able to share how yet 'nother of today's up and comin' musical performers that has it hard for our Dino.

Likes today we takes you to the musical pad, "" where scriber Mr. Chris Gonda has conducted an interview with Mr. Ben Ward, the lead vocalist with "London, England-based heavy metal/hard rock quartet, Orange Goblin,"  Seems this band will be releasin' their latest set of tunes soon, and thus provided Gonda with the op to Q&A Ward.

If you wants to read the whole interview, as usual, you can simply clicks on the tag of this post to do so.  What caught our eye in our usual 20 pages of google blog Dino-searchin' this day with the tag of this post, "Quick & Dirty: Orange Goblin Vocalist Ben Ward Talks Guilty Pleasures, Dean Martin, and Vampires."

Likes how cool to learn that Ben like digs our most beloved Dino the mostest as he answers Gonda's question, "If you could hang out with a famous person (dead or alive) for one day, who would it be?" simply statin', "Dean Martin."  And, which Dino-addict 'mong us woulda desire the same Dino-op?!?!?!?!

There you haves it pallies, so sort, so sweet, so to the Dino-point.  Likes how fabulous to find 'nother of today's music makers so openly sharin' their diggin' of our King of Cool!  We thanks Mr. Chris Gonda and the pallies at "" for the interview and Mr. Ben Ward for his candid comment on our Dino!   Dino-sharin', DMP

Quick & Dirty: Orange Goblin Vocalist Ben Ward Talks Guilty Pleasures, Dean Martin, and Vampires


London, England-based heavy metal/hard rock quartet, Orange Goblin, are set to release their latest offering, Back From The Abyss, on October 7, 2014 via Candlelight Records. The 12-track recording is, per usual, an addictive and punishing affair that will leave the band's fans hysterically happy. So as to promote said release, we got "Quick & Dirty" with lead singer Ben Ward.

If you could hang out with a famous person (dead or alive) for one day, who would it be?
Ward: Dean Martin.

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