Monday, October 20, 2014

Never try to start reading a Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis comic halfway through. It will only lead to sorrow.

Hey pallies, likes we shares with all youse Dino-philes today what musta be one of the most random Dino-postin's we have ever come 'cross.  While doin' some more of our extra credit google blog Dino-searchin' we happened upon this very very hip web pad tagged "MIGHTYGODKING DOT COM" where on September 23 in the year of our Dino 2008 some dude shared what they tagged "The most random panel in comic book history."

That "panel" just happens to comes from volume 34 of "The Adventures of Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis."  It features Jerry proclaimin' to our Dino and a beautiful babe, "Today I am a Leprechaun."
And what is our great man's great reply?  "Jerry don't bother us at a time like this!  We have to catch the potato-jackers!"  Takin' the page outta the context of the whole comic book leaves readers to ponder purely provocative and extremely evocative Dino-thoughts for sure!

We thank the "MIGHTYGODKING DOT COM" pallie who has given us lush laughter this very Dino-day!  To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram.  Dino-funnin', DMP

From The Adventures of Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis #34.
Never try to start reading a Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis comic halfway through. It will only lead to sorrow.

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