Thursday, October 02, 2014

DEAN MARTIN: This well is too deep not to draw from.

Hey pallies, likes we don't usually share solo vid clips of our Dino durin' the week...that's usually our Dino-diggin' pallie Danny-o's  specialty  with his Sunday Serenade With Dino gig.  Durin' the week we usually include vid clip only if they are part of a larger piece of Dino-devotion that we are sharin'
But, there is always an exception to a rule, and today we indeed are sharin' a single vid clip of our most beloved Dino in his earlier years as an entertainer croonin' an old old standard.

From the blog, "WGOM" comes a live vid clip of our masterful Dino singin' his masterful version of "When The Red Red Robin (Comes Bob, Bob Bobbin' Along."  And likes pallies as per usual, nobody and we mean nobody sings this old favorite likes our King of Cool.

And, we gotta 'fess up that indeed a huge reason why we have chosen to share this vid is 'cause the dude who posted it on "WGOM" simply and beautifully stated their reason for postin' by proudly proclaimin' "This well is too deep not to draw from.."  Likes that is deeply and purely the absolute Dino-truth...nobody's well is as deep, and might we add pure, as our Dino's!

ilovedinomartin thanks the pallie at "WGOM" has posted this joyful Dino-croon for all their readership to enjoys.  To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report.  Dino-delighted, DMP


This well is too deep not to draw from.

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