Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Dean Martin surprises Johnny Carson

Hey pallies, likes it doin' our daily Dino-homework of searchin' for Dino-treasure, we came to a pad tagged "Funny - Amazing" which has of recent posted a vid clip of our most beloved Dino surprisin' Mr. Johnny Carson on the Anniversary of the Tonight Show in 1973.

Nows likes we are sure that we have had to share this particular clip before, but it is sure a beau-ti-ful 'xample of our beau-ti-ful man ad libbin' with Carson that we were mightily moved to shares it with all you Dino-devotees 'gain this very Dino-day.

Seein' our Dino in his prime with ever present cigarette and liquid libation in hand jokin' with Johnny brings the hugest of huge Dino-buddha grin to our faces, and we are sure to youse as well.  Loves how Dino jokes 'bout Carson's recent marriage and how, in turn, Carson gives it back to our Dino 'bout his recent nuptials with Miss Cathy Hawn (though neither Carson nor our Dino mentions the brides' names).

Truly this is a magical moment in the life and times of our magical man and we thanks the pallies at "Funny - Amazing" for sharin' it with their blog readership.   And, likes the tag of this blog truly truly desribes our ever delightful Dino 'cause likes pallies who is more funny and more amazin' that our Dino?!?!?!?!  No one, absolutely no one, we sez!  To checks this out in it's original source, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-prose.  Always Dino-awed, DMP

Dean Martin Surprises Johnny Carson, Funniest Moments on Tonight Show

Dean Martin surprises Johnny Carson on the anniversary of "The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson" in 1973. In one of the funniest moments on the Johnny Carson show, Dean and Johnny discuss what is in Dean's drink.


  1. Wow! I've never before seen this one.

  2. Hey pallies, for such a seasoned Dino-holic likes you that is very rare...and for sure very Dino-precious...glads we couldn't add to your Dino-experience. Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
