Sunday, October 26, 2014

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: HALLOWEEN Special! "Me & You & The Moon"

Welcome back, my GHOULISH pallies! Feelin' creepy yet? Man o I LOVE this SPOOKY time of year! Thinks I tell youse that EVERY year! Haha!  Can't help it pals...I'm COMPLETELY sold out with the whole Halloweeny vibe! Gets my blood pumpin'!!! Hahaha!

Now pals...couldn't youse just picture our Numero Uno pallie bein' the PERFECTO Dracula?! Maybe a handsome wise-crackin' devil? I Got it!!! Dino would be the COOLEST...SWINGINEST... BLOOD CURDELINEST Werewolf ever!!! Howwwlll!!! GRrrrrrrr!!! Snarrrlllll!!! Haha! Man...Now THAT would 've been a fun fun flick!

So pallies...with that Wickedy Scary thought in mind...I grabbed today's Serenade from the classic 1956 Martin & Lewis film, "Pardners".

 Dean sets the mood so so perfectly for a Fun & Freaky night while croonin', "Me & You & the Moon".
Can just imagine him lookin' up at that Big Bright Autumn night sky at the end of the vid...And very suavely...turnin' into the HIPPEST beast that ever Howled at the Bella Luna!!! Hahaha!!!

Ok, my children of the night...let's get into our "trick or treat" mode! Hahaha! I'm nut's!
Have fun pals & ALWAYS keep the Dino & the vino flowin'!!!

We don't need to swing in a hammock
We don't need the nightingale's tune
All we need to get going
Is me 'n' you 'n' the moon
We don't need a heavenly setting
We don't need a sleepy lagoon
All we need to get going
Is me 'n' you 'n' the moon
Just the three of us
What a situation
Just the three of us
Plus a natural inclination
We don't need flowery season
Love is love December or June
We can make our own weather
Just put us together
Me 'n' you 'n' the moon
We don't need a comfortable parlor
We don't need the phonograph tune
All we need to get going
Is me 'n' you' 'n' the moon
We don't need a horse and a buggy
Buggy rides are over too soon
All we need to get going
Is me 'n' you 'n' the moon
Just the three of us
What a pleasure this is
Just the three of us
Plus a couple thousand kisses
We don't need flowery season
Love is love December or June
We can make our own weather
Just put us together
Me 'n' you 'n' the moon
Me...You...and the moon!


  1. What a great choice! A wonderful up beat song and a great video to go along with it as well!

    Thank you for picking a winner.

    Have a nice week.


  2. My pleasure pal! Glad you enjoyed! Happy Halloween!
